
Little Human .04

Draven smirks "I guess you should measure your words, little human."

I freeze. What was that all about?

Z coughs and continues "What do you want to drink at this unholy hour? Anything for your tiny mouth."

"I'm not small sir, it is you that are huge."

"You have no idea, Morgana." Draven groans.

I start to feel uneasy about this and begin to think that I am in a moving car locked with two extraordinarily strong males. My heart speeds and so does my breathing.

He's right. I should have thought this through. I should not trust these people. i don't know them at all.

The car stops, in a split second one of them opens the door and slide me off the car, sitting me on a little bench on a side street of the main avenue.

I try to focus my sight and see Z by my side, holding my hand and Draven crouched in front of me, "Breathe slowly. Just breathe Morgan, copy me." he's inhaling and exhaling in front of me, slowly and deeply. Z slides a little closer to me and starts to draw little circles on my back.

I force myself to look around and to think that I'm safe. we live in a safe place, with safe people.

After a while I get my breathing on check and sit straighter.

"You okay there?" Z asks.

"Yeah, sorry. I don't know what happened." I reply.

"You had a panic attack. That's what happened." Draven starts, fuming "but why, Morgan? Was it something we said?"

I get annoyed. Why is he upset? I was the one that had a panic attack, not him.

"I don't know!" I yell at him. Literally not knowing why I freaked out about.

"D, drop it. It's almost daytime. Let's just drive her home and go home ourselves." Z barks out.

"She's maddening irrational." he huffs and get in the driver's seat to wait for us.

I look at Z and shiver, "What is wrong with him?"

"He's scared. When D is scared, he attacks and then he runs. Don't take it personally! That means he cares about you and suffer to see you like this." He helps me up and gets to the back seat with me.

I lay my head on his shoulder throughout the drive and squeeze Z's hand.

He pecks my head affectionately and snickers.

"What?" I ask.

"Draven is jealous of me right now."

"Why?" I ask disoriented.

"You'll see." he simply replies,

"We'll see you in two days' time, get some sleep. You'll need it." Draven tell me before going out and around the car to open my door.

"I'll get your number from Draven and text you later. Sleep tight buttercup." Z says and kisses my forehead.

"Stop it. I just met you." I glare at him.

"You'll see how quickly you'll fall for me." he grins, "low chance of me being wrong!"

"Wow. I appreciate that," I pause and frown, " but low chance of that happening. Goodbye." I slide to the street and hear Z joyful laugh.

Draven walks with me to the building front door, "I apologize if I made you uncomfortable, Morgan. I will tend to that. I will not joke so much around you."

"It's okay. I just panicked. I assure you it's not recurrent. Thank you for tonight. I had fun with all of you. And you were right, your brother is super preconceived. " I reply.

He gives me a little bow and goes away. I smile and get home.

05:50 Are you tucked in?

05:51 Yes, Sir.

05:53 Sleep tight. Don't let the Vampires suck your blood.

05:54 Shut up!

They are peculiar and I like it. None of my high school colleagues are anything similar to those three siblings.

I sigh. Turn in bed and fall fast asleep.

Draven POV

Getting inside the SUV, I grunt to Azazel.

"What? I love you more!"

"You're getting horny, even though you are deeply aware that you can't have her." I glare.

"D, I'm young. I don't have stupid self-control like you do and I can't control my libido. Sorry not sorry." he replies and chuckles bitterly.

"Azazel, my precious, I give you all of me. Why would you need anything else?"

"Babe cut the act. It was you that came home last week talking about how fucking sick this chicks smell was and how horny you got... Not complaining though."

"Well, you disagree?"

I park the car in the garage and start walking inside the house.

A hand grips my upper arm. "You know how much I love you, don't you?" I hear him softly but surely.

"Yes, we're soulmates darling." I turn to him, "No one could deny it." I sigh "What about her? How does she fit with us? Do you feel the pull too?"

"Yeah. I want her. I want to protect her and love her and have her by our side D," he stops to contemplate his next words "but babe, maybe we came on too strong. She's so young. So young. So naive. She has no idea. We should just go slow. Invite her to go clubbing or to a late afternoon walk on the beach. You know this better than me. You come from a time that you would do the courting thing."

I cough, "Yes, I didn't do it with you for obvious reasons."

He laughs, "the obvious reasons being, I jump you on that bar and tried to fuck you in public?" he chuckles and continue, "How many times I have to tell you that I was high, it was the 1980s' Draven. We were happy and free."

"How well do that turned out for you?" I bark out.

"Pretty well. I now fuck you on the regular."

I puff and start walking again "How vulgar can someone be? For heavens sakes Azazel, control the amount of foul words that come from your filthy mouth, please!"

"Oh, come on babe you like it in bed!" he giggles.

I see red and sprint to my bedroom, skipping the others.

From far away I can hear a "What have you done now, you little devil?" is Malcolm's voice.

"You do well remember that we all can kill you with a flick of a finger." Alessandro warns.

"Puff. Y'all love me. Y'all would never kill me and you old farts know this better than me."

A knock on my door. Without waiting for a reply, the door opens, and Azazel walks inside.

"I'm sorry, D. You know I really like to joke around but you're my babe, right?"

"Your eloquence is astonishing." I reply him.

"Still you know what I meant!"

"Yes. I do understand you."

He sits next to me on the little sofa and gives me a side hug. "I love you so much. Do you love me too?"

"You know how much meaning you brought into my infernal existence. You know that no one would ever replace you. My love, my sun, my guiding light."

We kiss passionately.

"Do you want her?" he asks me eventually.

I sigh, "You know I do."

"I want her too. We'll make her want us too."