
Calling you Daddy .24

"That wine was strong. I'm blaming Sam." I smile into Z's chest.

"Sam was right, as usual." I hear Azazel say, "Kitten really complete us. I don't think I can stress enough the importance of preserving her happiness."

I laugh, "Babe, you're sounding like Draven again. Stop."

I hear Draven laugh and snap my head to see him again.

"You have the bestest smile, Daddy."

I fell myself rising, "Okay, Babe. Time to bed. The wine is working its magic."

"Oh my god. Sire, you're blushing. Mal, are you seeing this? Alex?" I hear Sam laughing loudly, "Come on. This human is more powerful then all of you combined. Fuck."

"Power to the Women!" I yell, while being carried away.

"That's right sister. Fighting the patriarchy."

"Oh, Daddy's gonna punish me bad. My vajayjay is already hurting in anticipation." I whisper to Z.

Maybe not lowly enough, "YOU ALL HEARD THAT?" I hear Sam screaming and laughing hysterically.

"Samantha. Please be quiet."

We're in the bed pretty soon.

"I need you." I whine, "I want you Azazel."

I start getting undressed. He helps me out.

"Kitten." I hear Draven getting in the bedroom, closing the door.

"I'm sorry, Daddy. I drank too much, I didn't even notice it before I went to Babe. I swear."

"Shoo, it's okay baby. We've got you. Azazel will make you feel better, won't you my love? Make our mare feel better."

"Babe, please. Let me make you feel better."

"I love you Azazel. I'm sorry I don't say that enough." I start crying.

"You say it enough, Babe." he smiles at me, "come ride me a little, you'll feel better."

"Okay." I smile at him, mounting him.

I start riding him slowly, kissing him passionately.

He places his hand on my waist and aids me.

I heard Draven sighing and glance up to see him seated at the couch.

I get my hand into Z's shoulder to gain more support and start fucking him harder.

Skin slapping skin and moaning is all I hear. I'm really enjoying this. This is awesome.

I giggle, "They heard me calling you Daddy."

"They did. Sam scolded me. She thought I was taking advantage of you." He grunts.

"Oh but Daddy. Aren't you?" I laugh.

"Do not try me today, Morgana. Not in the mood."

"Babe, I think Draven is the stressed one today." Azazel tells me.

"Yeah. I'll ride him, while you prep yourself?" I suggest

"good idea, Babe." he kisses me and I get up starting to walk to Draven.

I guess I miss a step and fall down. Not really, Draven is there holding me up.

"No, lets seat on the cough. I like it better for riding."

"Kitten, maybe we should go and rest." he replies.

"Nonsense." I tell him and we sit down, "Take it off."

I kneel if front of him and kiss his length, starting at the head. I link a long stride from the base to the head and then I gently get him in my mouth. I suck slowly, doing circular movements with my tongue.

I hear Draven moaning an calling me, calling Z.

I look up, dick inside my mouth and evaluate if it is pain or pleasure but he seems happy, so I carry on.

Then I feel stong hand on my hips and Z getting behind me. I moan.

Draven moans louder.

Z starts to stroke my insides slowly. I moan and tell my brain to tell my hand to reach my ass and open them for Z's dick to reach deeper.

I suddenly lose my balance and my head falls down, making me swallow Draven's cock further.

I hear an animalistic grunt and quickly look up to see Draven's eyes burning red and the fangs bigger. I smile to him, placing a hand on his cheek. "You don't even know if you prefer to see me submitting or dominating."

"We'll have enough time for me to figure it out, kitten."

I smirk, "Let's ravage Azazel, Daddy. He was so sad at the table."

When I return home to my parents, I feel different.

Something shifted inside me and I have no idea what, but I know it happened.

I continue with my life but sometimes I feel like something is missing. I call my boys and I feel somehow better. We laugh together.

My parents keep asking if I have something to announce but I keep saying no.

Meanwhile I already told them that I would probably need less money than originally planned because I know someone that let me stay for free in an apartment near the University.

My dad made a face. Said they don't need me to cut corners because they've been putting money aside for years. Here the tuition is low, the government give us aid anyways.

I don't know. Maybe I will take some money to groceries. I know my parents are not lacking anything but maybe they can buy a new car. Their car certainly deserves the rest.

We live in a fairly central area, so public transportation is the easiest, fastest and cheaper way to move around.

I don't need a car, my parents have their car to go to the supermarket and to leisure activities on the weekends. We're really the type of family that spend more money on books and traveling abroad than in other things.

We'll see how flexible they'll be when I tell them I'm dating two guys. Only planning to let them know what is happening when I finish college. I will not tell them so soon.

Though I am trying to figure out how to tell them I will be needing my passport to go to Philippines in August.

I could tell them Sam is coming too. I should start by saying that I know the people that own the Mansion on the back street of the boulevard and gently let them know that they're good people and three of them are my age.

That I've been spending some time with them and that they invited me to vacation with them.

I'm telling them tonight. It's decided. I'm calling Draven earlier, so he knows that that is happening today. I mean, we're almost in March. Four months pass by in a blink of an eye.

I need to start planning stuff. I also need to study. My exams to enter College are in the middle of June. I'm prepared. I just like to double check everything.

Better safe than sorry, right?

"Hi Kitten. How are you doing? Not stressing or exhausting yourself until you collapse, right?"

"Hello. Not really. Things are going well and tonight I'll have a good talk with my parents about the vacations."

Silence, "Do you want me to come over?"

"What? No."

"Are you sure, Kitten?"

"Yes, I'm sure. I will just introduce the idea of you, Azazel and Sam. Maybe emphasizing my friendship with Sam more than anything else."

"So, you will not really tell them Sam is not going with us."

"Draven, you have to understand that is a weird concept to talk about my sexual and romantic partners with the people who raised me so lovingly."

"Because we're two or because we are lovers?"

I sigh, "Both. I know they will get protective and my Mom specially will be concerned about me being lead on."

"Lead on?"

"Yes, she won't like that I am sexually active. She'll be afraid you are taking advantage of me. She thinks I am still a kid. Parents get like that. My mom is outspoken, she'll tell me right away. My dad will make a face and days later ask me if I think it through and reached the same conclusion."

I sighs, "I don't like to disappoint them. I also don't like to keep so much from them. We're so close."

"Kitten, do you want me to help somehow?"

"No babe, I just needed to babble it out."

"Of course, my princess. Babble away."

"How's Z?"

"Azazel is at the gym room. Thank you for the help at dinner last week. He gets so nervous on formal meetings."

"It was a bit overwhelming. I imagine that for a young vampire must feel extremely suffocating. I'm human and could feel all the sheer power emanating from all of you. Sam is cool about it. The dynamic duo though, I get that they don't do it on purpose but... chills. They look indestructible."

"What about me?"

"The King vampire? If you weren't my lover perhaps. Now that I know that I own your heart. I will never be affected. I can see you behind that imposing aura."

"I'm glad. I don't want you to ever fear me."

"Do you fear anything, Draven?" I jokingly ask.

"Yes. I fear you. I'm very afraid you will leave me and I will mourn this feeling forever."

"Nonsense. Why would I ever leave you?" I reply.

"We're not human Kitten. You'll eventually die, I will be broken forever, having only Azazel to support my life."