
Not Pregnant .40

"I need you inside. Please let me mount you." I sob anxiously.

"It's okay, let me just jerk it twice."

I get on him as soon as his length is erect.

I relax a little but don't stop whining.

Azazel pets my head as I rest it on his chest.

"Try to relax."

"I don't need to relax. I need to fuck you without getting a baby inside me."

"We're working on it babe. Trust us. Trust me. I will always fight for your freedom of choice."

"I love you so much Azazel. I love Draven so much. I will die without you. Please. Where is our mate?"

"Let me wash your body. Your body smells like fear. I don't like it." I don't move an inch from that spot but allow him to clean me.

I eventually ride him slowly. None of us cum.

"Let's dry up."

"I don't want you to take it out. Where is Draven? I want my mate!"

"Okay. I will lift you with me."

I don't even understand how but he manages to make it out of the bathtub and dry us together.

I roll my body once in a while to keep my baby's cock up.

"Where's Draven?"

"He's parking the car."

I whine. We're sitting on the couch. Koala style. Azazel still inside me. I ride him slowly.

I hear the door opening and closing. The sound of the lock too.

I snap my head up, "Draven." I let tears fall, "You abandoned me."

"I'm here. We'll test your pee. We'll see if your pregnant right away. The pharmacist assured me. It even tells us the possible stage of the pregnancy."

"We had coitus twelve hours ago. How can that work?"

Draven glares to Z, "It will work."

I rest my head in Azazel, "I don't want to take Z's dick from inside me. I don't want to. I refuse."

"Kitten, please. You're being irrational. We need you to pee on this stick." He shows me the thing.

"I just pee with him inside me."

"It won't fall enough into the stick."

"I don't want to."

"Babe, what if I turn you around and Z gets into your precious asshole? Would you do that?"

"I don't like it but as long as it is quick."

"Get into the tub. I hold it up. She can pee with you standing."

It works. As soon as I pee, I ask for Z to turn me around and get inside again.

Those three minutes of waiting are the worst of my life.

I know I am pregnant I just don't understand how it is ever possible.

The result is

"Not Pregnant"

The result is

"Not Pregnant"

"No, it is wrong."

"Kitten. Come on, the 99,9% of accuracy on the test box is just a number. It's not possible for you to be pregnant."

"Draven. I. Am. Pregnant. Who else knows better than me?"

"Morgana get off Azazel's dick right now." He demands fuming.

"No. I will not." I hold Z tighter.

"Babe, remember when we had sex three times one morning and I almost got feral on you because I was addicted to you? Draven had to intervene and help me out."

"Maybe this is happening to you. You just need to fight it. Eat a little. Talk to other people. What do you say?" Draven motivates me.

"But... Babe."

"Mare, come sit on Draven's length then. Let Azazel rest for a while."

I whimper but don't complain much when I get transferred to a larger cock.

"I will get lunch running and then we can all go outside and mingle."

"Draven. I don't want to mingle. I want you both."

Azazel put some clothes on and escape the room.

"Kitten. Let's try and get dressed."

"No. I want you in me. Please Draven, you don't understand."

"I do understand. Just do this for Mia. She's alone without her best friend in a house full of strangers. You need to keep her company. Right?"

I do need to spend more time with her. I hate when Draven's right.

"Okay but you have to carry me to the main floor and... And if I whimper for any of you, I get cuddles. Ok?"

"Of course. What do you want to dress?"

"Bikini and a sweater. The bigger one so it covers my ass."

"Okay. Let's do it."

Somehow, they get me sushi for lunch. I am slightly distracted this.

I eat glued to Z. I sat on Draven's lap but facing the table. It was a win somehow.

By end of lunch I was feeling better.


Draven POV



"I need help."

Her face is the portrait of the emotion surprise, "Yes."

"I... We're having issues with Morgana."

"What? Is she hurt?"

"You had a human lover once. Did you notice anything different about him once you started to have... coitus?"

Samantha is not really breathing.

"Sire, I will have to go with... No. From what I have read, our relationship was considered... Normal. Our frequency and quality of the... coitus was what you would have expected from a human-human relationship."

She shifts uncomfortable.

"I understand that this is an unexpected and unwanted topic. I will be brief." I sigh, "Since the very beginning of our relationship with Morgana, she had a very active role in our sexual encounters. But as soon as we started to have actual intercourse something shifted. It was gradually but constant. When we lost our child, just two weeks ago, we all thought that me turning to a primary vampiric state and her constant need for attention was because of the fetus. We thought we were both unconsciously trying to maintain the pregnancy. Last weekend she was normal. We had... fun, but not coitus."

"What is the matter then, Sire. I am worrying."

"She was afraid of having intercourse with us and getting pregnant again. Now we are taking proper measures to prevent that by using male protection, but she's sure that she's already expecting a child. She wouldn't stop owling... She wouldn't allow us to... She couldn't bare the emptiness without both of us inside her, Samantha." My voice shakes. I look down. Heavy.

This laundry room is too small for me to breath. I let a small tear escape my eye.

"Sire. I will try my best to understand what is happening without flagging that we talked. She is outside with the other humans. That's a positive response."

"She's outside because I made her feel pitifully about Mia and the abandonment she must feel without Morgan."

"Sire, if anything unhuman happens, I will cover for the three of you. Maybe she's feeling depressed. Maybe she will need to be constantly with you to recover from her lost. She's young, but instinctively Humans want to make sure the species thrive and instinctively she will desire a lot of children, Sire. I hope I can get as many nieces as I can possibly carry."

"I will try, suna. Not until she is ready. She wants to fulfill her academic goals. We must wait. Time is something that we have plenty."

She bows and goes away.

I slowly drag myself outside. There she is. Playing volleyball with the girls. What a blessing.


Morgan POV

Draven carry me outside. I am not happy about the fact that I will eventually have to get off him.

He sits on the sand next to the other boys. They're all drinking beer, even Z.

I whimper.

"Everything is perfect, Kitten. Don't worry. The females are playing volleyball. Do you want to join?"

"No. I want you inside me, Draven. Please, no one will see."

"Everyone will see. I would never allow anyone to see you like that. You know how of a private person I am."

"Me too. I am but I need you more than I need my privacy or anything else."

"I will take you to the others to play. You should join Mia. She's losing."

I reluctantly look at them and decide I should try.

I hug him, "I love you. Don't leave the house. Azazel. I love you so much Babe. I will go give the game a try."

I get up and join the girls.

They suck so much at this, fortunately without Sam in the other team, Mia and I won effortlessly. Maria and Cathya at least tried. Ariana refused to join. Too worried about breaking a nail.

I am feeling better than before the game and we all agree we should try to get into the ocean.

Azazel took his shirt off and I swear something broke inside me and he immediately gazed me, licking his lips.

Even Ariana are open staring.

I waited for Draven to gaze me to take my sweater off. I wanted both watching. I have no idea why.

Until I did.

I drop the sweater and run to the sea as fast as I can.

I almost made it. Draven hold me back by the waist laughing, spinning me around.