The Mysterious Assassin

The grayish glow of the full moon shamelessly shone its rays into the only light of the luxury villa where David and Angeline were on their honeymoon.

Both of them fell asleep without any clothes covering their bodies. Everything was so calm, only the sound of regular breathing from the two couples who had recently been married could be heard.

Until something made David open his eyes completely spontaneously.

Even though he was asleep, David could feel the slightest light shone into his eyes.

A tiny reflection of the moonlight from a binoculars accidentally hits David's closed eyelid. Without further ado David hugged Angeline by the waist and took her to the side of the bed.

Bang! ...

Sure enough, a bullet from a sniper rifle-type weapon shot through their bed.

"What happened, David?"

David only gestured Angeline to shut up. Luckily David's clothes were right beside where they landed. David quickly put on his shorts, but unfortunately Angeline could only wrap around her naked body with a white blanket.

David pulled one of Angeline's free hand because the other was trying to hold the blanket so that it continued to cover her naked body.

Bang! ...

Another bullet shot out, nearly bore a hole in the floor, almost hitting Angeline's leg.

They leaned under the kitchen table. Angeline's body trembled as fear took over. She glanced at David. The man took out a pistol and an ammunition box, loaded the gun quickly and pulled the gun tailpipe so that the bullets entered the chamber and were ready to be fired.

David looked at Angeline. Naturally, the girl was scared. Even a professional would be confused if he faced a sniper at night with only a pistol containing seven bullets.

David took a glass cup and lifted it on the kitchen table which they used to protect themselves.

Traannnggg ...

The glass immediately shattered, luckily David managed to see the shadow of the shooter who was hiding behind a thicket on the hill behind the villa.

David paused for a moment, trying to think calmly to estimate the sniper's distance from the apparent image of a glass cup.

There was a full moon tonight, the best conditions for all snipers to fire. That is why the shooter did not use the laser as a tool to aim at David.

David carefully estimated the time when the gunshot sounded and the glass he was holding before the glass shattered due to being hit by a bullet from the sniper. Trying to analyze the angle of the shot as well as how big the hole was in the floor.

David opened his eyes. He looked Angeline's eyes with a very serious look.

"Can you trust me?" asked David briefly who immediately got a soft nod from Angeline. The girl's body was still shaking violently, but the look in her eyes could not fool David. The girl trusted David completely.

David grabbed Angeline's hand and dashed out of the kitchen into the living room, while the one hand holding the gun opened fire without looking at the shot's direction.

One shot from David scratches the sniper in the ear, giving David and Angeline time to go to a safer place.

The sniper fell silent.

He saw with his own eyes. From his binoculars he saw David—his target target—fired a shot from the gun in his hand as he ran with the woman in hand.

What makes him so surprise is, David did not turn around to determine the direction of the shot.

At first the mysterious shooter thought that David was just going to provide cover fire to find another shelter.

But that's not what David did.

David opened fire without looking at the direction of the shot, and managed to rip off the mysterious sniper's right ear.

The shooter pressed the communication device in his left ear and spoke to someone. "Hey bitch, exactly who should I kill?"

"What happened?" asked the woman across the communication channel.

"He shot me in the ear with a small gun."


"Without looking at me at all!" he shouted, not caring if his position was exposed because David already knew his position.

The shooter only got a loud laugh from his interlocutor.

"Is that something funny? I've never met someone like this in my life. I didn't fly all the way from Siberia to face aliens like him!"

"Then what are you going to do? You have received your payment in advance and I hear that you have already spent all your payment in one night. Do you still have the pride to cancel your mission?"

"You're looking down on me, damn bitch. Give me ten minutes, and I'll send you both pictures of the dead bodies of them."

The woman across the communication channel laughed again. "All right, I'll wait."

The mysterious shooter switches off the connection with the woman who orders him to furiously hunt down David and Angeline. "You damn bitch, just wait, I'm not nicknamed the Eagle Eyes of Siberia for no reason. If it can't be stealth, I'll just face it openly."

The sniper put down his rifle and rose from a prone position.

But he fell silent again when he felt something hard sticking to the back of his head.

He also laughed crisply. He knew very well what exactly was stuck in the back of his head.

Yep. It was the end of the barrel of a pistol-type weapon.

"I let my guard down." said the mysterious shooter.

"I didn't think you could be this complacent either, Anthony Dolohov."

The mysterious shooter fell silent again. Without realizing it he swallowed his own saliva. Not because he was shocked because the target he had to kill knew his real name. But he recognized the voice.

Yes, that voice was very familiar to her ears.

The voice of someone who was his idol in the battlefield. The voice of someone he admired so much until several years ago.

"I thought you were dead with Hendrick Brasco, because I was also there at the time of the ambush that day."

"Haha ..." David laughed softly in a mocking accent. Yes, the man standing behind the mysterious shooter while pointing a gun at him was the one who was his own target. "I will choose for myself when I have to die, not to be determined by lowly rats like all of you."

shooter smiled with satisfaction. "As expected of the Demon Prince. I am no match for you."

"Worship me as you please. Think of it as a gift from me before piercing your stupid head."

"Don't you want to know who told me to hunt you down? She is a very seductive woman. It seems like she is your ex-lover."

"I don't have an ex-girlfriend."

"No no no. She is your ex-lover. Otherwise, why would she tattoo your name on her back, right under the black rose tattoo."

David rounded his eyes. "Black roses?"

"Yes, black rose. I really remember when I poundinge her ass with a doggie style, she was a very fierce woman in bed. Maybe she sent me to you on purpose. She must know that I am no match for you. Maybe, as a message to tell you how much she missed you?"

"Just cut the crap already. Tell me, who the fuck is she?"

"David ... David ... you understand the best that I always maintain business ethics. I will not divulge information about my client even if my life is at stake."

Bang! ...

The man groaned in pain and fell to his knees as David fired a bullet that pierced the joint of his right leg and lodged directly in his kneecap.

"Tell me, before I make you paralyzed for life, you can't even kill yourself."

"Haha, your threats never change. Always threatening with the worst. Very cruel, haha."

Bang! ...

"Akkhh!" groaned the shooter, who was a hunter, now becomes an easy prey for his own prey.

"You still have two major joints left. Which one should I destroy first. Left elbow, or right?"

"W-wait ... Aaakkhhh!" she shouted when David had crushed her right elbow without warning.

"I really don't know his name! I never really asked for the identity of my client! As long as I get paid that is worth the mission!"

David paused for a moment, making the poor man breathe a sigh of relief.

Bang! ...

The man fell lifelessly to the ground when David released his final bullet right between the eyeballs of the man who had wanted to kill him.

"When you threatened Angeline's safety, that's when you died." said David coldly and left the corpse in such a pathetic condition. Let it become food for wild animals that may hide in the dark night.

On the other hand, a woman with a body covered in sweat was lying limply on a bed in a five-star hotel room with three men who were both lying beside her. Looks out of breath without getting into her clothes.

The woman with the black rose tattoo on her back smiled broadly. "I hope you like my wedding's gift, my dear David."