Simple Sweet Things

The morning sun pouring in from the window woke Ainsley from a deep sleep. Slowly the woman opened her eyes, rose from her lying position and stretched her stiff joints.

He stood up, walked to the window and found David hitting a homemade punching bag hanging from an iron post.

As usual, David's shirtless body covered in sweat became Ainsley's breakfast every morning after waking up.

Ainsley put her elbows on the window sill, looking at David mercilessly tormenting the punching bag in front of him. The combination of punches and kicks sent by David made the iron pole supporting the punching bag vibrate violently.

Ainsley still imagines the incident two days ago, where David massacred hundreds of people alone. The man was standing in the gray light of the moon, with hundreds of corpses lying at his feet.

Truly a figure that is very worthy of admiration.

Ainsley took a sip of water in her glass to quench her thirst after waking up from sleep and walking to the courtyard where David was still torturing the innocent punching bag in front of him.

Ainsley knew that David really hated to be bothered when he was serious about hitting a punching bag, everyone could see that just from how sharp his eyes were.

Ainsley wrapped her hands in a bandage and did a little warm-up to relax the joint muscles in her body.

Actually Ainsley has a pretty seductive body, although the part that is always a fantasy of every man is not too prominent, but her stature like a model can still make men excited just by watching her do warm-up movements.

Of the hundreds of people who are members of the Hendrick Brasco mafia syndicate, no one dared to touch Ainsley.

Because what they know, Ainsley belongs to David, the Demon Prince and also the adopted son of their big boss, Hendrick Brasco.

No need to think too far about getting executed from the big boss, thinking how horrible a single David Stockholm could make them throw away their intention to touch Ainsley.

Pow! ... Pow! ... Bam! ...

David threw a sideways kick that was too hard, knocking the punching bag loose from the hook. David also stopped what he had been doing and paused for a moment to reset the tempo of his breathing that was too fast.

"Good morning David." said Ainsley, walking toward David.

Unexpectedly David immediately threw a round kick towards Ainsley's head, making the girl look down. David jumps up and throws a kick into the air with the other leg.

Ainsley parried David's kick with both palms of her hands as she jumped back.

David continued to launch a combination of attacks that almost anything Ainsley could have anticipated.

David's right hand shot to the side Ainsley's head is parried with her left elbow.

A hook[1] from David's left hand which Ainsley was sure could not withstand caused the woman to bend down to avoid him.

Seeing Ainsley lowering his posture made David throw two round kicks with his right foot. Ainsley was still able to avoid it even though her forehead hit the tip of David's shoe a bit.

Ainsley took one step back and counterattacked.

At first Ainsley thought that David would hold back her attack, making her start thinking about what combination of attacks she would give to David.

But unexpectedly, David, instead of holding back the attack from Ainsley, he immediately attacked her back.

As Ainsley jab[2]-bed her right fist at David's face, David only tilted his head slightly. Ainsley's punch only shot over the side of David's head, while David had taken his right foot a step forward and threw a punch from the side that hit Ainsley in the ribs.

Bam! ...

Ainsley staggered slightly to the side as David hit her in the ribs from the side. But it didn't stop there, as usual, David didn't even give Ainsley a chance to feel the pain from his punch.

David lunged again at Ainsley.

Straight jab[2] from the left hand to the right cheek.

Followed by swing[3] from the right hand hitting the left side of Ainsley's head.

Four times the blows from below that hit her stomach repeatedly.

David grasped Ainsley's head with both hands and jumped up to strike Ainsley's chin with his knee.

Yep. Ainsley was now lying on the ground, blood dripping from the corners of her lips and eyes closed with loss of consciousness.

And when the girl opened her eyes, she found herself lying under a shady tree, her head resting on David's right thigh. David sat back against the tree with his eyes closed.

His peaceful face and regular breathing let Ainsley know that David was sleeping.

In silence, Ainsley stared at David's face. Admiring every fine line on his handsome face.

Ainsley's heart skipped a beat as she raised her hand. Very carefully, Ainsley stroked David's stern facial lines with her fingers, trying her best not to wake the man who was sleeping peacefully in front of her.

On the one hand, David looks like a demon who is very scary and can intimidate anyone who saw him.

But on the other hand David can look like such an innocent boy while sleeping.

Not only can David bring horror, but also comfort and warmth to those around him.

Behind his sadistic and unforgiving personality, David has a very compassionate heart. Ainsley realized that after living with David all this time.

She thought of the little things David had done for her.

When David blew on a spoonful of hot soup and fed it with care, even cleaning the rest of the soup he'd fed on left at the corner of Ainsley's lips with his thumb. The reason David does this is to make Ainsley a guinea pig in the dishes he makes.

When David tidied Ainsley's clothes that were lying on the floor and put them on the table. The reason is that David doesn't like it when his room is messy.

When David stood and filled her glass with water.

When David tied the bandages around her hands before starting the exercise for the first time.

When David taught her how to hold chopsticks.

As David hugged her waist from the side with one hand when he introduced Ainsley to members of the Hendrick Brasco mafia syndicate who she did not know because they stared at Ainsley's body with hungry eyes.

When David tied the apron back over her waist as she helped David cook in the kitchen.

All of those are little things that are relatively simple. But for Ainsley, what David did was actually very sweet in her eyes.

David Stockholm, that man is indeed full of surprises.


Author's notes :

[1] Hook : Is a punch in boxing. It is performed by turning the core muscles and back, thereby swinging the arm, which is bent at an angle near or at 90 degrees, in a horizontal arc into the opponent. A hook is usually aimed at the jaw, but it can also be used for body shots, especially to the liver. Hook punches can be thrown by either the lead hand or the rear hand, but the term used without a qualifier usually refers to a lead hook.

[2] Jab : Is a type of punch used in the martial arts. Several variations of the jab exist, but every jab shares these characteristics: while in a fighting stance, the lead fist is thrown straight ahead and the arm is fully extended from the side of the torso. This process also involves a quick turn of the torso. It is an overhand punch; at the moment of impact, the pronated fist is generally held in a horizontal orientation with the palm facing the ground.

[3] Swing : Is a type of hook, with the main difference being that in the swing the arm is usually more extended.