Ainsley (Part 3)

Ainsley leaned against the wall, trying to catch her breath to calm her body's soaring adrenaline again.

 Ainsley stood up, pointing the barrel of the gun directly at the gunman who was standing about ten feet from where she was.

 Tkk ...

 Ainsley had not yet had time to pull the trigger of the gun, the man who was holding an AK-SOPMOD type weapon collapsed with a hole between his eyeballs shortly after the sound of a bullet from a sniper rifle type weapon with a silencer[1] at the end of the barrel was heard.

 Ainsley looked back and saw David running while holding his favorite sniper rifle. David jumped over the wooden crates and fired another shot very quickly, knocking another person down with the same bullet hole; that is, between his eyeballs.

 This isn't the first time Ainsley has seen David do something beyond human reason like that.