Sports Week (Part 2) + The Woman with the Black Rose Tattoo

David bounced the ball from his left hand to the right hand alternately in and out of the opponent's defense making them confused half to death.

 Aside from David's shot which almost never misses the ball into the ring, his movements are also very difficult to block. In addition, it took two to three people if you wanted to block David's movement by physical contact. It may not even be enough.

 David really made the opposing team lost half to death. Not only in terms of attack, but also David's defense that cannot be underestimated.

 He truly is a demon in any kind of battlefield.

 David moved the ball from his right to his left and went forward very quickly. The fast cross-over[1] broke his opponent's ankle without even having a physical encounter with David.

 David lunged forward, where there were two enemy defenders who were ready to prevent David from scoring again under the ring.