Confrontation With the Croydon Gang

David opened a black suitcase and took out the HK G36C he had just ordered from the Black Market.

 The Assault-Rifle type machine gun used by the Spanish army in the year one thousand nine hundred and ninety has a weight of about 4.4 kilograms. Its spinning-bolt mechanism allows the weapon to fire 750 rounds per minute.

 David removed all parts of the weapon and took out a dynamo-shaped box that was embedded in the center of the weapon, opened the outer layer of the tube and an iron structure the size of a tree branch measuring 1.2 centimeters long was now in David's hand.

 David took the copper coil that was on the table and cut it one meter long with a pair of pliers, wrapped the piece of copper around the inside of the armature case of the gun that he had previously opened in a cross-wound and reattached the dynamo he had loose back into the gun.