Out of Control

Slowly Angeline opened her eyes. The sunshine faintly dazzled her vision. Maybe Angeline was weak enough to travel long distances, because last night she slept too early and woke up when the sun was halfway to the top of it's throne.

 She turned to find David still asleep beside her.

 This is a very rare moment in the household life of David and Angeline, where Angeline wakes up earlier than David. Of course, usually David had gone to work by the time Angeline woke up in the morning. Even David always prepared Angeline breakfast before he left for work.

 Perhaps, it is fair to say, that David is the ideal type of husband for all women around the world. Not only handsome and rich, David also has an athletic body. Moreover, David is also good at cooking and doing housework. And most importantly, David is always nice to his beloved wife, namely Angeline.