Endless Fight (Part 1)

Bang! ...

 David landed a raw right in someone's jaw. Throwing the person who immediately fainted in that one crushing blow to the side and continuing to throw several punches and kicks at the rest of the crowd.

 From the start, the battle David and Darius had against one hundred and fifty men for each of them was far from plausible.

   But David did it anyway. Maybe if it was in the open, it would be very difficult because it could be surrounded from various directions. But luckily, the hallway of this hospital was quite narrow, so he could fight them 3 to 4 at a time. Also, he didn't have to worry about being attacked from behind because Darius was also fighting behind him.

   Usually David is rarely injured when dealing with people who do not use firearms, whether his enemies wielding sharp or blunt weapons. But this time, both David's bones and flesh had bruises and cuts everywhere.