Adonis Daveline Stockholm

"David!" shouted Darius when he saw that David had been cornered. In both hands, there was no longer the katana. The katana was lying on the floor. And now, twenty mobsters are trying to beat David up.

   Wait a second ...


   Why are there so few of them? Wasn't there just a few moments ago there were still hundreds of them?

 Darius circulates his gaze. And when he saw who the people were standing on top of the pile of mafia corpses, Darius understood what had caused their enemies number to suddenly decrease so drastically.

   Darius smiled broadly, "You lazy bastard, you are all fucking late."

   Darius looks back at David, and now David is cornered with twenty mobsters beating him up.

   One of the mobsters raised his sword up high and was about to stab it at David. David, who had been cornered, seemed to be trying to fight back without realizing that a sword was currently heading his way.

   "Oh no! David! "