Episode 13 : Manor.

Haru woke up, no remembering what happen. The last thing she remembered she was at the anonymous arcade. Then, everything turn black. She still can't see anything. She heard footsteps coming. She tried to call Ameru and Kang but something hard was on her neck. 'Is it a hand or a rope?' thought Haru. She tried to feel what's on her neck but unfortunately, she can't because both of her hands were tied. She heard someone muffling. 'Ameru?' thought Haru. Footsteps were getting closer.... The black bag on Ameru's head was taken off. "Let me go, you son of bitches!" yelled Ameru. He kicked one of the strange man's legs "Ow!" He tried to run away but somebody was holding one of his legs. "Amiria Naomi Shirota, you will now die." said one of the man while pointing a gun at Ameru. 'Amiria Naomi Shirota?' thought Haru. 'Ameru is a girl?!' thought Haru. Suddenly...


"Get three of them in the car!"

"Yes, Lord Wattson."

Haru feel asleep in the car. She remembered she found a boy. An older boy. Lying on the streets. "Mom! Dad! Look! A beggar!" said Haru while pointing at the boy. "Haru! That's a very rude of you!" said her mother. "Sorry." Mr Yegami went to the boy. "Hey. Kid. Hey kid." Haru's dad tried to wake the little boy up. "Ermm.." The boy woke up. He has long brown hair and golden eyes. "I'm sorry, mister. Did I sleep in the middle of the road?" asked the boy. "No... Say little boy. What's your name and how old are you?" asked Mr Yegami. "I'm B-Bryan. I'm eleven this year..." said the boy. "Why you're asking?"

After that, her family took Bryan in. A few months later they move. That's when Haru and Bryan met Dylan, Felix, Ivan and their best friend. If she remembered correctly, their best friend's name was Kai. "Promise me something." said Kai. "What is it?" asked Haru. "Promise me we'll be separated from each other." said Kai. "But don't we have to separate our ways?" asked Bryan. "What do you mean?" asked Haru. She was just ten years old at that time. "Ah. Never mind. You both'll understand when you're older." said Bryan. Haru just smiled at them

Haru woke up in a manor. "Where am I?" "Don't ask me." Haru just looked over her right. There was another bed where Kang was sitting on. "How long have you been awake?" asked Haru. "An hour or so?" said Kang. Sigh. "I'm still worried about him...." said Kang while looking at Ameru. His face got bruises, stitches and bandages. "You mean she." said Haru. Kang was shocked. "H-how did you know?" asked Kang. "Well..., back at the unknown place... I heard his real name...." said Haru. 'Kang knew about it?!' thought Haru. "I see.." said Kang. KNOCK KNOCK

There was a knock on the door. "Who's there?" Haru dug her head on the pillow. "Umm. I'm just a doctor." said the one who knocked on the door.