Episode 22 : Rome, Italy.

Kang held Haru closer and tightly. After 30 seconds of kissing, they both pulled away, panting and breathing heavily. Kang was in the progress of taking his shirt off when suddenly

"Ame! You're up?!" said Haru while pushing Kang away. "Mhm... What were you two doing?" asked the young boy while rubbing his eyes. "N-nothing! Wanna to take a bath, Ame?" Haru stood up and went to Ame's bed. "Sure..." said Ame. Haru and Ame went to the bathroom. 'That kid just ruined my chance!' thought Kang.

Was he in a heat? That's why he kept touching me... HOLY SHIT. HE JUST STOLE MY FIRST KISS. Damn it....

After Amethyst finished taking a bath, they got out and saw all of their stuff pack. "No need to pack your stuff." Said Kang, he was looking through his phone for some news in the school. "Thanks, Mr Hyo." Said Ame. "What are you reading?" asked Haru while getting closer to Kang. "This." He showed the phone to Haru


"Poor Kara." said Haru. "We better get home fast. I think it's Chris." said Kang.

KNOCK KNOCK. "Guys, let's go!" said Dylan. They got out with their luggage.

At Rome.

"I'm going to go find a hotel for us stay for the night." said Felix. "I'm going to visit The

Colosseum." said Dylan. "I'm going to interview the people of Rome!" said Ivan while getting his

camera out. "You speak Italian?" asked Bryan. "Yeah! I'm studying languages!" said Ivan. Ivan

went towards the Vatican. "I'm going with Dylan. Amethyst here don't have any ideas of what to do." Said Kang.

"So, it's just the both of us?" asked Haru. "Yeah... What do you want to do before our next mission?" asked Bryan while fixing his glasses. "Just take a walk around town?" asked Haru. "Sure. But stay close to me." said Bryan, putting his glasses back on.

They went around town. Rome was very beautiful. She always wanted to go Europe but her parents denied her request until she's 18. Suddenly, she heard a whistle. "Signora! Cula Carino! (Lady! Cute ass!)" said a few men behind her. Bryan felt pissed off. He went towards those men and pushed one of them. "Hey! Qual è il tuo problema?! (Hey! What's your problem?!)" asked the one who got pushed. Bryan grabbed the man's shirt while pulling his fist out, saying :

"Stai lontano da lei a meno che tu non voglia morire... (Stay away from her unless you want to die...)"

The men ran away, crying for help. "Let's go..." said Haru, she tries to walk away but Bryan pulled her hand. "Hold my hand." Whispered Bryan. "Huh?" Haru was confused. "Hold my hand. Then people will think us as a couple or siblings. Thus, no one will bother you..." said Bryan. "Uh! Uhm..." Haru flustered. She didn't have any other choice. "Thanks for helping me. By the way." said Haru while blushing. She was really embarassed when the men were cat-calling her.

Bryan smiled back and patted her head. "I'm just glad you're okay." Said Bryan. They went the hotel together...

Everyone was waiting in the lobby when Bryan and Haru arrived. Kang saw both of them were holding hands. He immediately went to his room. "What's wrong with him?" asked Bryan. "Don't know." said Ivan. Felix went towards Kang. He tapped his shoulder. "Are you jealous of Bryan and Haru~?" asked Felix. Kang looked at Felix...

Kang went in his room. He slammed the door. The whole group went silent... 'Jealous?'