Episode 30 : Lohrens

It's been a week after Bryan coming over to a surprise visit. Turns out, kissing someone who has fever only make it worse because it spreads the fever. But thanks again Bryan. For.. You know. Trying. Now I'm trying so hard to learn Greek. In order to understand what the hell Jaemo said.

Last night I found this letter in my diary...

"Αγαπητέ βασίλισσα Σενκαρού, θα πρέπει να γνωρίζετε λίγα πράγματα για τον γιο μας, Jaemo. Είναι υιοθετημένος γιος μας. Τον βρήκαμε στο πίσω μέρος του εστιατορίου μας, κλαίγοντας σε κουτί. Ενώ τον ανεβάζουμε, παρατηρούμε κάποια παράξενη συμπεριφορά ... λέγοντας 11 ονόματα ... προσπαθούμε να ψάξουμε ποιοι είναι αυτοί που ονομάζει κατά τη διάρκεια του ύπνου του. Κατά τη διάρκεια μιας μαγείας, δεν μπόρεσε να κάνει οποιαδήποτε στοιχειακή μαγεία ... αλλά ... έχει την ικανότητα να κάνει μαύρη μαγεία ... Μπορούσε να μιλάει Ρωμαίους και Ρωσικά χωρίς να το μάθει ... Ανησυχούμε για σένα που τον φέρνει στο δικαστήριο ως θεματοφύλακας του σκοτεινού λείψανα ... Θα πρέπει να επανεξετάσετε την αλλαγή της θέσης του στο δικαστήριο ...



'My foster parents...'

I went on google translate. I translated it one by one. No answer. So, I decided to search about someone who studies The 13 Guardians. I found it and here what it says

"Dear Queen Senkarou, you should know a few things about our son, Jaemo. He is our adopted son. We found him in the back of our restaurant, crying in a box. As we lift him up, we notice some strange behaviour ... saying 11 names ... we try to find out who he is during his sleep. During a spell, he couldn't do any elemental magic ... but ... he has the ability to do black magic ... He could speak Roman and Russian without learning it ... We're worried about you bringing him to court as custodian of the dark relics ... You will have to reconsider changing his position in court ...


'Oh shit.'



I ~ Hola mi amiga ( Hello my friend!)

H ~ ¿Por qué estamos hablando español ahora? ( Why re we speaking Spanish today?)

I ~ ¡No tengo idea! ( I have no idea!)

I ~ Entonces, ¿te sientes bien ahora? ( So, are you feeling well now?)

H ~ ¡Mejor en realidad! ( I'm better actually!

I ~ ¡Excelente! ¿Quieres pasar el rato con nosotros? (Great! Want to hang out with us?)

H ~ Estoy ocupado ahora, hombre ... (I'm busy right now, man...)

I ~ Tal vez esto cambiaría de opinión ~? (Maybe this will change your mind~?

Ellas estan realmente aburridas sin ti aqui (They're really bored without you here)

H ~ Bien ... ya voy en camino. ¿Dónde están chicos? (Fine... I'll be on my way. Where are you guys?)

I ~ El nuevo parque de diversiones! Sabes dónde está, ¿verdad? ( The new amusement park! You know where is it, right?

H ~ Si. Si. Lo sé. Estoy tomando un autobús allí. (Yeah. Yeah. I know. I'm taking a bus there.)

I ~ No hay necesidad. Amy viene, así que su mayordomo Luffy te recogerá en tu casa. Bryan dijo que deberíamos tener cuidado con los lugares públicos ahora porque no sabemos quién es el enemigo o no. (No need. Amy is coming so, her butler Luffy will pick you up at your house. Bryan said that we should be careful with public places now because we don't know who's the enemy or not.)

H ~ Bueno. Esperaré afuera de mi casa. ( Okay. I'll wait outside my house.)

Haru went downstairs with a sling bag. "Where are you going?" asked Han. She was sitting on the couch with her 5 year old son, Eun Ha. "Outside, of course." "Take care!"

"Bye Auntie Haru!"

"Bye Eun Ha! I'll buy you some gifts!"

As Haru went outside, she was grabbed by someone and was put into a black car.