Episode 7 : Sports

A month later.

"The results are out!" said one of the student council. All the students were running towards the monitor to see the latest test results. "Valedictorian is.... Yegami Eun Haru!" said everyone. "While the salutatorian is..."


"How..?" asked Dylan. "Because of my trusty sidekick, Haru!" said Kang. Haru pulled his hair. "Ah! Ah! Ouch!" yelled Kang. "He meant his tutor." said Haru while grinning. "C-can you p-please let go of my hair? Y-you're p-pulling my s-scalp." said Kang. "Of course..." Kang's eyes sparkled 'Yay..' "Not!" said Haru while giving him an evil smile. "Unless..." "Unless what?!" asked Kang. "Unless you admit you're a dumbass! HAHAHA!" said Haru. "N-." Haru pulled his hair. "Okay. Okay. I'm a dumbass!" said Kang. Haru let go of his hair. The whole hall laughed at both of them. "Haru! Haru!" Kara called her new member of council. "What is it, President Kara?" asked Haru. "I told you to only call me Kara! Anyway, Principal Phoenix wants to see you and dumbass here." said Kara while punching Kang in the stomach. "Ouch." said Haru. "Let's go then. Come on, dumbass." said Haru to Kang while giving him a hand

After that incident in the geography class, Kang has been very docile to Haru. Nobody knows why. They've been hanging out with each other. They're not best friends but just friends.

At the principal's office

"Congratulations Mr Hyo to your recent achievement in your academics." said Principal Phoenix to Kang. "Now, new problem..." said the principal. "What is it?" asked Haru. "Haru, you have a problem with sports." said Principal Phoenix while looking through some documents about Haru.

"Hey, I'm great some sport too!" said Haru. "What is it then?" asked the young principal. "E-Sport..." said Haru. Kang tittered a liitle bit. "I'm talking about real sport here, like, baseball, basketball, tennis or archery." said Principal Phoenix. "Oh." said Haru. "Kang here is the school's bad boy and athlete however due to his bad grades, he got kicked out of the school team, but, after you became his tutor, his grade got better and he got in the school team again. So, I think he should return a favour." said Principal Phoenix. "By what?" asked Kang. "Easy. Help Haru with sports." explained Principal Phoenix. "Hehehe." Kang glared at Haru with an evil grin. "We're going to have a fun time!" said Kang while opening the door. They both left. "I don't think that girl's going to be living another day after the first day of training." said Secretary Stone. "Well, their life is just getting interesting." said the principal.

On their way to class...


"Damn, looks like we didn't have to get MissRowling's lecture today I guess." said Kang while smiling. "I knew it! You werejust pretending to have a stomach ache!" said Haru. "Hey. You're the one whofollowed me everywhere." said Kang. "Hehe." "Well see you after break!" saidHaru while waving at Kang. Kang waved back. 'That girl.