After the call Charles felt relieved that he somehow managed his grandma to believe that their marriage was for real and not a contract marriage. Because if somehow his family comes to know about this they will never agree with all this, as his whole family believe "marry the one, whom you loves." He chuckled at this thought and said to himself " Those silly beliefs of them. Rose also believe such things. I remember she says the same when I told her to marry me for 2 years. I think she is quite suitable to them and can adjust with them quite easily."

Then he went downstairs and saw that Rose and Lily were already there having their breakfast. When he went downstairs all the servant greeted him. Rose also wishes him "Good morning". He replied to her with a nod. Then he have his breakfast as usual. The breakfast table is too silent as nobody talk as such.

After having breakfast when Charles is about to leave he says to Rose "Don't go outside today, wait for me in the evening. You can spend time with Lily here only. I have some work to do in office and will come by 5pm." After saying that he went towards his car and left.

Rose and Lily after having breakfast they sit on the sofa and started searching about various colleges for Lily. As she has already finished her schooling and it's time for her to join college. But Lily insisted that she only want to go to her sister's college " THE ROYALS COLLEGE OF BUSINESS." Then Rose agreed.

Charles went to the "DARK PALACE" at the entrance a few men with black suits are there. They opened the gate and after a few steps ahead the reached to a door which has sensors as they stand by the door, it opened automatically and he entered to a hall with dim lights. This hall is very big and there are many secret rooms. This place is really a mistry and nobody knows about it except for the name of this place. This place is unknown to the world. They believe this place is a living hell on Earth. Once someone entered here they must pray they would die rather then to be here in this place.

This place is where Charles gives punishment. That's the reason why he is know as "THE DEMON KING". Charles went straight and sit on a huge king size chair which is placed at the other end of the hall.

Robert then ask him " boss the person Daren you asked to locked tommorow is in the cell, shall we bring him in front of you.?"

Charles nodded in reply.

Soon the person is brought in front of Charles, his hand and legs were tied up and also his eyes were closed with a black cloth. He has some black spots and cuts marks all over his body. It seems that he have been tortured by them. The cloth was removed from his eyes, as soon as it removed he apologizes for his mistakes to Charles.

Charles then look at Robert and told him "Break his hands and legs. You know how to do it right. Do it and send him to police." Robert replies yes Boss and went to do his work. But Daren started crying " have mercy sir, Next time I will not do that. I will never mess with your women in future. Please have some mercy..."

Charles gets angry and throw the glass of water which is placed in the table by his side straight to Daren. It hit his head and started bleeding heavily. Everyone trembles after seeing this. Charles eyes were glowing it seems that he can kill anyone with his gaze only.

Charles then angrily says "what did you say next time.? You even think of next time. I think I am very linient with you. Let's me tell you there is no next time in this world and this is just a reminder so that you don't ever think of doing that in you dreams." Everyone trembles after hearing that...

Daren continues begging "I am wrong have mercy!! Please have mercy!!!. Let me die please. I want to die."

Charles says laughingly "Haha... Death is a very easy punishment. I won't let you die this easily." Then he looks at Robert and says angrily " you are still standing here do what I told you right now. And don't let me see him in my life." Robert trembles and says " yes Boss. I will do it right now."

After saying that Charles left with Harry (his driver) and went to his office. On the way Harry thinks that " Boss really love madam boss too much. Young madam is really lucky to have him."

I hope you all are enjoying the story...

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