As expected Rose heart melts with these sugar coated words and she says in a coaxing tone " okay okay. Now don't be sad. We just had dinner and came back and that's all."

After listening to this Lily says "As expected from you!!! But I didn't expect this from Mr handsome."

Rose then says surprisingly " what did you say. ? Enough of your rubbish talks now go and sleep. It's already late at night, wake up early in the morning and start your studies from tomorrow." After that she switched off the light and lay down beside Lily.

Charles after freshen up as usual went to his study to do her office works. Rose keep tossing and turning in her bed and can't fall asleep it seems something is bothering her. So she gets up from her bed. She tucked Lily inside blanket and goes out of the room quietly. When she goes out she finds that the light of the study is still on. It means that's Charles is still working.

She walks towards his study and knock at the door once. But nobody replied. As she is about to knock second time soon a cold voice came from inside " come in".

Rose POV

As I go inside the study, I see that Charles is sitting in a big chair with some documents in his hand. He is wearing a white shirt and a track pant. He is looking exceptionally handsome. How can a man in such casual wear look so handsome. His facial features are too sharp.

By thinking of this Rose blushes☺️. What rubbish I am thinking. I should concentrate on, for what I came here.

Charles is surprised to sees that Rose came to his study at night. He gestures her to take a seat and then ask surprisingly " why aren't you sleeping at this time?. You want to read something in night?."

Rose says with a soft voice. " No.. No... I have something to talk to you. About the thing I told you in the car what have you thought about it."

Charles was shocked by her words and says " you came late in the night just to ask me about this.? "

Rose answer calmly " Actually I didn't come to ask for your permission, I just come here to let you know that from tomorrow onwards I am going out for jobs. I just need your permission for one thing only, that is can Lily says with us a few more days.?"

After hearing this Charles is more shocked. This women really have the guts to talk to him like that. Interesting. Very very interesting. He maintains his cold attitude. Although he himself didn't know why he didn't get angry with her.

Charles then says coldly " I must say you really have the guts to talk to me like this. Did you think without my permission you can do your job ? Did you forget that you are my finance.?"

Rose gets frightened by his voice, but she still manage to gather some courage and says " who told you I can't . There is no such clause in our contract which says that I can't work after getting married...."

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