Rose then says in a sincere tone "My third and last condition is, it's actually not a condition but a promise. I... I want us to be loyal with each other. If one day you feel like I have not done my part properly, just do come and tell me directly. I will try to do my best as your wife."

She then tells in a serious tone "And if one day you feel like I am not good enough for you or you have found someone else better than me then just tell me directly. I promise I will leave you at once whatever the situation may be and will not demand anything from you. But if I myself finds out something like this, I will not be able to forgive you in my entire life. And that will be the last day of our togetherness."

After saying these she already has tears in her eyes. She didn't know why but she really felt hurt after saying those words. She just casually said those words, but why she feels her heart is heavy. May be she have developed some feeling for him. It's really take a lot of courage to say these words to the one you love.

By hearing her last condition Charles is shocked. His heart ached. He didn't expect to her to say these words to him. It's really need a big heart to say such things. He also felt a sharp pain in his heart.

He moved forward and cupped her face with his hands. He directly looked at her teary eyes and then kissed away her tears gently. Then he look at her lips and directly kissed her lips. He deepens his kiss and after that when he feels she is really out of her breath he leave her.

Then he lift her chin with the index finger of his right hand and said in a angry tone "Aren't you demanding too much. You really know how to act like a lovely-dovey couple. I am really impressed. I haven't seen this side of yours. Now stop all these the show is over and let's go back."

After saying that he turns around to step forward but suddenly his hands were held by Rose. He is really surprised at this. But he knows what she really want to know.

So without turning he says in a cold voice "I have already told you that I am agree with all those conditions whatever it is, now let's go." Then he instructed the operator to take the hot air balloon down.

Through the way back Rose only think about why Charles behave differently in the last condition. He is quite normal a while ago but what happens suddenly that he behaves like this. She is really confused with it.

In their way they didn't talk not even a word. After they sit in the car they both look outside, not bother about each other. None of then talk. There was a complete silence in the car.

I hope you all are enjoying the story...

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