Ready! Go!

It was a starry night and the moon shone brightly. At this time, the only thing that can be heard was the singing of the night bugs.

Yu Feng sat crossed legs on the ground and tilted up her head to look at the sky. The night view was very pretty, but she had no mood to enjoy it.

The wicked man had tried to threaten her with her brother's life. How could she be happy?

Her father was right. Men were liars! Especially men who dressed as neat and imposing. The better they dressed, the despicable they can be.

Yu Feng had thought that she would be able to make her escape. With her speed and knowledge on the street, she dared to say that none of those men would be able to catch up with her.

Although those men looked very fit, most of them would have enough stamina to run for a longer time, but not speed. Yu Feng has been running in this city every day. She had the endurance, speed, and most importantly, knowledge. She knew every turn and corner very well. The men have been training in the camp. What do they know about the street?

Because of her small body built, it was easier for her to move.

Even if she wanted to make her escape, it would be easy for her. However, that man seemed to know about Orange.

She was afraid that he would do something to her cat. Perhaps, at this moment, Orange was already in his hand.

As the thought crossed her mind, Yu Feng knew that it would be impossible for her to try and run away at this moment. She needed to make sure that Orange was safe and sound before she can escape.

No matter what, she was not planning to leave Orange behind!

This was fine too.

At least, she would be able to figure out just how did these men managed to catch her. She would learn from this and find a way so that these men would not be able to catch her again.

"Are you done preparing?"

Yu Feng's eyesight of the beautiful sky was suddenly blocked by that cheery, handsome man's face.

Qin Zhi Chen spread his handheld fan and started fanning himself gently as he continued to look at the person who was sitting on the ground. "You don't look like you're preparing." He raised his brow. "Don't tell me that you're giving up?"

"All I need to do is run, right?" Yu Feng spoke lazily. "What kind of preparation should I do?"

"Shouldn't you be warming up? Are you that confident that you can reach the destination within time?" Qin Zhi Chen raised a brow.

"It seemed that the man in that tent was confident in my ability. Or else, he would not kidnap me here and asked me to do this test." She looked at him with a scrutinizing gaze. "Why are you anxious?"

"There has been a betting among the soldiers. Most of them were betting that you will not reach the place within time." Qin Zhi Chen smiled smugly. "And I bet that you were going to win." The smug smile on his face disappeared and was replaced by worry. "You cannot let me lose."

"How about sharing a portion of that money if I win?"

The prince's eyes sparkled. "You can win?"

Yu Feng let out a chuckle."It is nighttime. There won't be others walking around the street to block my way. Running at this time without obstacle should be very easy," Yu Feng said. A thought crossed her head and she sat up properly and tilted her head to look at the man. "Who are you?" She leaned closer and whispered, "And that guy in that tent, who is he?"

Qin Zhi Chen snapped his fan closed and smiled.

Just before he could say a word, his brother appeared behind him and patted him hard on his shoulder. He grimaced as he looked at his brother, but no matter how much he would like to complain, Qin Zhi Chen could not muster a word. His brother's death grip on his shoulder was too painful!

Qin Zhi Hao sent his brother a warning gaze. Then, he looked at the little boy who was sitting on the ground and the corner of his lips tilted into a slight smile. "Are you ready?"

Yu Feng let out a snort.

The question was not if she was ready. The real question was whether the men were ready with their preparation to track her. Once she started running, she would not stop. If they lose sight of her, it would not be her problem.

"Bring it on. Once I'm done, you have to do as you have promised," Yu Feng said. "You have to let me go."

Qin Zhi Hao smiled and did not say anything. He waved his hand at the soldiers and turned to Yu Feng again. "Come with me."

Yu Feng grumbled as she followed the two men to a new location. When they arrived, a dozen soldiers were standing around them and they were staring at her with a curious gaze.

These men were not from the city and naturally have never heard of Yu Feng's story. However, the prince had mentioned that this person was good at running and had never been caught once.

They were men who were trained in camp and had to run more than 20 li every day while carrying heavy loads. They do not believe that this frail-looking boy would be able to run faster than them.

"Have you memorized the map?" Qin Zhi Hao asked.

"As long as I can reach the place in before the one-fifth time of an incense burning, then, you will let Orange go, right?"

Qin Zhi Hao frowned at her question but he soon nodded. "Un. I promise."

A light smile curled on her lips. Yu Feng bent down to adjust her straw sandal and looked at the man in the black garment again. "Then, I'm ready." She stretched up her hand and raised a brow at the man. "The letter."

Qin Zhi Hao turned to the soldiers and one of them approached with a small scroll. He picked up the scroll and hand it over to Yu Feng. "Once you arrived at the bureau, Officer Zhou will be waiting for you. You just need to hand it over to him and you will pass the test."

"What's in the letter?" Yu Feng asked with a disinterested voice.

"Military secret."

Her movement froze and Yu Feng turned to the man again. But once she saw the smile on his face, her expression softened. "You're joking."

The man let out a chuckle and suddenly, Yu Feng did not know whether this man was joking or not.

"Get ready." He turned towards the empty road in front of them and nodded to the group of soldiers around them.

Swiftly, the others began to move to their position. They were tasked to look after this frail boy and knew that if they lose sight of him, they will have to be punished harshly.

Yu Feng let out a sigh as she kept the small scroll inside her cloth, where it was the safest. Then, she narrowed her eyes and looked at the view in front of her.

The others were watching Yu Feng and Qin Zhi Hao alternately with an anxious look on their face. Their heartbeat increased as they wait for the Prince's next command.

"Ready! Go!"