A Different Route

When a soldier announced that the two lords have arrived at the bureau, Yu Feng was sitting in the corner, eating a hot steamed bun in a relaxed manner. Her breathing steadied and it did not appear as if she has been running just a while ago.

Officer Zhou stood up and hurriedly walked towards the door and ready to greet the two princes. However, as soon as Qin Zhi Hao entered the bureau, he merely took a glance at the officer before he shifted his eyes towards the person who was sitting at the corner.

His lips tilted into a smile.

Before he came over to the bureau, Qin Zhi Hao had received the report from his subordinates regarding the test.

The people who were stationed at the third and fourth checkpoints came first and reported that Yu Feng had never appeared on the street and therefore, they did not light up the signal.

Later, one of his secret guard who was assigned to trail after Yu Feng returned and reported that instead of using the path that he had told her to use, Yu Feng had made a turn at a junction and entered a different route.

Supposedly, this route would not lead her to the bureau. But Yu Feng had sneaked into a dilapidated residence and use it as a shortcut before she entered the main street again.

By using this shortcut, Yu Feng had shortened her time to arrive.

Then, the fifth signal flared into the sky and the final one appeared as soon as she has safely arrived at the bureau.

"My lord," Officer Zhou called out when he saw that the prince has been staring at Yu Feng for a long time without saying a word. His gaze then shifted to the frail boy and a frown appeared.

It seemed that he will need to educate this boy with proper etiquette. When someone of higher social status stood in front of him, he should lower his head. Not behaving like he did not have a care in the world and continue to chew on his steamed bun.

"What are you looking at me for?" Yu Feng frowned. Being stared at by so many people made her feel like a monkey in a cage and it was making her uncomfortable.

Before Officer Zhou was able to say a word, another person entered the bureau and quickly headed over to where the people were gathering.

"There you are," Qin Zhi Chen's voice resounded in the bureau. His eyes shone brightly as he too joined the others to look at the person who was holding a meat bun. "Xiao Feng, you're amazing!" Prince Jing spoke with his voice full of excitement. "I truly did not expect that you will arrive here quicker than the time that my brother had given you."

Qin Zhi Hao shot a warning gaze to his brother, but this time, it did not seem like his younger brother was going to shut up. He was too excited over Yu Feng's achievement. At the thought of the money that he had won, Prince Jing became more thrilled.

"You did not use the route that I told you to use," Qin Zhi Hao spoke. His deep vibrating voice cut off the words that his brother wanted to continue and say.

Unlike his brother's jovial tone of voice, Qin Zhi Hao's tone was flat. One was not able to decipher his mood upon hearing him speak.

Yu Feng shifted her gaze to meet Qin Zhi Hao's. "You showed me, but I never said that I can read a map." Yu Feng flashed a smile. " Gentleman, I am just a petty thief who grew up on the street. I am someone without an education. How could I know how to read a map?"

A light flashed in Qin Zhi Hao's eyes. It was then that he recalled that Yu Feng had never said that she could read a map.

He had shown her the way, but she had not said a word. He had asked if she memorized the way, but she had not answered.

The people who were able to have direct contact with him were all talented in both pen and sword. He had never interacted with a commoner like Yu Feng before. After exchanging a few words with her, he had thought that Yu Feng was a bit smart and therefore, he had treated Xiao Feng the same as his subordinates.

His eyes narrowed as he figured out that he had made a mistake.

"You promise that as long as I arrived here before the time is up, you will let Orange and I go and reward me," Yu Feng reminded. "I took the fastest route I know to get to the destination. What was wrong with it? I cut short the time to arrive. Gentleman, is it that you were finding fault with me because you did not want to reward me?"

Qin Zhi Hao pressed his lips into a thin line as he continued to study the person in front of him. Looking at her, Qin Zhi Hao had a thought that Yu Feng might look like an ignorant person, but he had a nagging feeling that she was smarter than she seemed.

"You don't have to worry about your reward. I will give them to you," Qin Zhi Hao spoke as he took a step closer to Yu Feng. "However, I have a request from you."


"Work for me."

From the test alone, he was able to find out that the boy's speed in both his feet and mind. Although he did not like to deal with someone like Yu Feng, at this time, Qin Zhi Hao was desperate.

He needed a new face to work for him, but he did not have the time to train new talent. Coincidentally, Yu Feng fits the criteria of the person he was looking for.

"You want me to be an errand boy," Yu Feng spoke each word slowly.

"I want you to be a runner," Qin Zhi Hao corrected him.

"And deliver letters for you?" Yu Feng raised a brow.

If it was not for Orange, she would not be taking part in his test. She was not expecting that this man would offer her a job as a runner.

She really could not understand what was this man thinking.

"Being a runner is more than just delivering letters," Qin Zhi Hao spoke. "It is an important job. You don't have to go around the street and steal. You can live a more comfortable life with this job. Why not just take it?"

"Not everyone aspires of having a comfortable life," Yu Feng said.

"You want to continue being in the run forever?" Qin Zhi Hao frowned slightly. He really could not understand this little boy's thinking.

She was offered a good life, but would not take it. Usually, anyone who had such an offer would not hesitate to take it.

"Why not? At least I am free," Yu Feng shrugged and looked away as the men continued to stare at her.

In fact, it was not as if Yu Feng was not tempted to take the scary man's offer. She dreamed of having a life where she did not have to worry about food. However, Yu Feng knew that once she agreed and have too many contacts with the authorities, sooner or later, her identity will be exposed.

And it was not her gender that she had wanted to keep as a secret.