Department of City Security

The next morning, the skies were getting dark and drizzle fell as Yu Feng followed Officer Zhou Ming to the Department of City Security. The cold weather made her body shiver and Yu Feng tightened the cloak around her body.

Just then, the person in front of her stopped abruptly, causing her to bump her head on his back. Yu Feng raised her head angrily and watched as Officer Zhou turned around to face her.

"Officer Zhou, can you walk properly?"

The man did not answer but pulled at Yu Feng's hood that was covering her face. "You must always remember. Don't talk to just anyone," Officer Zhou reminded her. "The only reason why you were taken here was that I caught you stealing on the street." He raised a brow when she did not answer. "Did you remember my words?"

Yu Feng rolled her eyes. "You have repeated the same words to me a thousand times. My memory is still good, Officer Zhou. You don't have to worry."

The officer gave her a long stare, but with the way Yu Feng was stubbornly staring back at him, Officer Zhou finally let out a long breath and looked away.

Suddenly, the sound of a loud drum resounded around the city. The two of them snapped out of their thoughts and tilted their heads up.

A deep frown appeared on Officer Zhou's face and gradually, his expression turned serious as he continued to listen to the beats. After a while, he turned to Yu Feng again and gestured her to follow him. "Come with me."

Yu Feng turned her head towards the direction where the tallest building in the city was and wonder what kind of messages were they spread that made Officer Zhou had such a scary look on his face.

In Lantian, the City Guards would spread an urgent message to the others by beating the drums. Once the guards and those who were stationed on the watchtower saw something, they would beat the drum, to send the message to the others.

After living in the city for so long, Yu Feng was aware that the beating of the drums contained a certain message. But other than the runners and the officers, no one knew what the messages were about.

Even if one tried to study those codes, it would be a waste of time. After all, the code would be changed so that the outsiders would never get the chance to decipher those important messages.

How did Yu Feng know about this?

Previously when she had too much time with Orange, Yu Feng had tried to figure out the beatings of the drum and the code behind it. However, after a month of studying those drums, Yu Feng found out that the guards would change the code once a week.

In the end, she could only curse herself for spending her time in such useless things.

There were half a million people in the Capital City of Lantian. Though the City Guards were keeping their eyes on the movement in the city, they would not be paying attention to a petty thief like her. Therefore, Yu Feng was confident that she will never be caught.

Until yesterday.

Yu Feng followed Officer Zhou to enter the compound and watched as the City Guards run back and forth around the room. They would stop shortly once they saw and threw her a curious gaze before they continued to be on their way.

Officer Zhou glanced at her to ensure that Yu Feng was not falling behind and soon led her further into the building until they arrived at a large garden.

This was the first time for Yu Feng to walk around the Department of City Security and she took her chance to look around and admire everything her eyes can see.

Officer Zhou stopped as they arrived at a building. He glanced at Yu Feng again before he walked inside. "Follow me. Don't get left behind."

A loud gasp escaped her as they walked into the building.

There were more City Guards and Officials in this building and everyone seemed busy running around to do their task. As Officer Zhou walked through their path, everyone would stop by for a few seconds to greet him before they moved on and carry on with their job.

Yu Feng took her time to look around her surroundings.

There were tall cabinets filled with rows of documents. At the center of the room was a miniature model of the Capital City.

Yu Feng stopped beside the miniature model to admire the craft before an official looked at her disapprovingly and Yu Feng went back to chase after Officer Zhou.

The two of them walked past a man and she saw that the man was staring intently at something on the table. She followed the man's gaze to find out what he was staring at, but suddenly, the man stood up straight, picked up a small stick on the table, and beat the small cowhide drum on the table. Then, he opened his mouth and announced the time in a very loud voice, startling her.

Once he finished, the man sat down at his place and continue to stare at the clock as if nothing had happened.

"Stop getting distracted and come with me," Officer Zhou reminded her again and this time, he held on to her elbow and pulled her forward until they reached into a room.

Officer Zhou took a seat behind a desk and gestured Yu Feng to sit down at the empty chair across him.

Just then, a girl entered the room and greeted Officer Zhou. "Officer Zhou. You have returned."

Yu Feng glanced at the girl and studied her from head to toe.

The girl had a clean, neat look, and a dignified air around her. However, the way she dressed tell Yu Feng a different thing. This girl was a government slave.

Most probably, the girl was once a pampered young miss in her family until someone in her family committed a crime against the Emperor and thus, their family was demoted and this girl had to serve as a government slave.

As a slave, this girl had led a better life than her. She had better clothes and food. However, as compared to better clothing and enough food, Yu Feng would always choose freedom.

A crease appeared at the space between her eyebrow as Yu Feng noticed that this girl was observing her as well. Yu Feng quickly shifted her gaze away from the girl and looked at Officer Zhou lazily.

"Chun Xiang, go and bring me some refreshment," Officer Zhou spoke.

"Yes, Officer Zhou." The girl bowed before she retreated from the room quietly.

"Now," Officer Zhou paused. He put both elbows on the table and stared at Yu Feng. "Xiao Feng, let's discuss your matter."