Qin Zhi Hao scrambled to pull at a few rolls of papers on his desk. He found what he was looking for and quickly spread the map on his desk, arranging the two maps side by side. His expression showed that he was shocked that Yu Feng had chosen to enter the drainage system to get to the port.
Lantian's Capital City was strategically located beside the great river. When the first Emperor of Lantian decided to built this city years ago, he had planned the drainage system following the geography setting, architecture, as well as feng shui configuration.
Among other countries around Lantian, the water and drainage system in Lantian could be said quite advance and well planned.
During a bad rainy or stormy season, there were many areas in Lantian that were affected by the flood, but the Capital City which was at the center of the storm seemed as if it was not affected by flood at all.
Qin Zhi Hao continued to study the maps and was guessing at the route that Yu Feng might have taken once she entered the drainage system.
A few minutes after looking at the maps, his expression turned to amazement and as if he had realized that something was wrong, his expression changed again. His face darkened when he looked at Yu Feng again.
When Yu Feng saw the change in his expression, she immediately thought that something was not quite right with his expression.
The man walked from his study and narrowed his eyes dangerously at her. His hands behind him clenched into a fist as he suppressed his anxiousness.
After long consideration, he had finally chosen Yu Feng to work for him. If this person turned out to be someone he could not trust… then he will have no other choice but to discard her.
The drainage and water system in Lantian was connected from the Imperial Palace, stretching up to the capital city and connected to the great river.
Qin Zhi Hao could guess that Yu Feng was very familiar with the underground passage. Or else, she would not arrive at his side within a short amount of time.
But that thought frightened him.
What if Yu Feng was familiar with the underground passage? Then, entering and exiting the Imperial Palace would not be difficult for her.
Wouldn't His Majesty would be in a dangerous situation then?
"Why do you choose to take the drainage system to head to the port?"
The man's gaze was making her anxious. Yu Feng clenched her hand into a fist to compose herself and pretended that she was not affected by it. "Gentleman, because of the upcoming lantern festival, people are everywhere on the street. Everywhere you go, there would be a certain crowd. Trying to reach the port in a short time is impossible. The person that Officer Zhou had already warned me to reach you as immediately as I can or else, I won't be able to see my cat."
Qin Zhi Hao frowned as he thought of how much Yu Feng valued that Orange cat.
"If I knew some kungfu moves, I could climb up the roof and head over to port with some light step moves. But I don't know how to," Yu Feng continued to speak. "The only way I know to get to the port is through the underground passage."
"Then, how do you know your direction once you were inside the drainage system?" He took an unhurried step towards her.
Her lips tilted up into a slight smile. "If you just follow the water flow, you will eventually reach the riverside. And the port was a place close to the river, is it not? Anyway, this was not the first time that I have entered the drainage system. Gentleman, how do you think that Officer Zhou and the others were unable to catch me all these years? "
The man continued to stare at her, seizing her up, and wondered if she was telling him the truth.
However, no matter how long he looked at her, Qin Zhi Hao could not detect anything strange from the Yu Feng.
Yu Feng heaved a heavy sigh. "To tell you the truth, back then it was Orange who showed me to use the drainage system. It was then that I realized that the draining system could be very useful."
Qin Zhi Hao finally retracted his gaze, as if convinced that the person in front of him was telling him the truth.
"How much do you know about the underground passage?"
"Not too much," Yu Feng answered with a shrug. "I wouldn't dare to venture too deep into the drainage system. Although it was convenient, the drainage system can be very dangerous as well. You might not know this, but there is a lot of dangerous crawling creatures under there."
Her body shivered as she thought of the last time she ran into a big fat centipede in the drainage system. Fortunately, that creature was only passing by and did not try to harm her in any way.
Moreover, staying under there for a long time could be dangerous. The water level rose at a certain time and if one was not careful, one might slip into the water and drown.
"Is there anything else you would like to ask?" Yu Feng spoke after a brief silence between them. "If there is nothing else, then shouldn't you keep your promise. You said that you would allow me to meet Orange."
Qin Zhi Hao finally shifted his gaze towards the slit at his tent. "Pei Yan." His voice was loud and clear as he called out his subordinate.
Soon, a man dressed in all black walked into the tent with a small cage in his hand.
Yu Feng immediately recognized this man as the same man who brought Orange over to her the last time.
"Orange!" Yu Feng called out the cat's name as soon as she saw the creature in the cage.
The orange cat immediately turned his head and his eyes widened with excitement as he saw Yu Feng. "Meow!" Orange looked as if he could not wait to be in Yu Feng's arms.
They haven't seen each other for a few days, and just like Yu Feng, the cat was also missing her.
Yu Feng watched as Pei Yan unlatch the cage to let Orange out. As soon as the small door was opened, Orange rushed forward to Yu Feng's embrace and rubbed his face against Yu Feng coquettishly.
"You can spend your time with your cat for however long you wanted," Qin Zhi Hao spoke as he watched the human and animal interaction.
"Really?" Yu Feng's eyes brightened up.
"Of course," Qin Zhi Hao nodded. "However, you will need to stay in this camp until the lantern festival began. Until the festival ended, you are not allowed to return to your place."