Looking for a Daughter-in-Law

The next day, Yu Feng woke up early in the morning and left Nanshan Town after she had her breakfast. When she recalled what she had heard yesterday, Yu Feng decided to hasten her speed. Perhaps, she can return to Jing City before the day turned dark.

After paying hitchhiked a ride from someone and running around, Yu Feng finally arrived in Tongliao. Her breathing labored. Yu Feng looked at the sky and was relieved that she had arrived a little earlier than she had expected.

When she arrived, Yu Feng noticed that there were a group of soldiers at the gate. Her expression changed when she saw that the soldiers were checking carefully at every carriage and cart that entered the town.

Usually, Yu Feng would not think that this was a strange scene. However, the soldiers in front of her were turning at every load that the cart was carrying. The chests were looked into and the bolts of fabrics were taken down from the cart.