Reporting Back

Fortunately, Yu Feng arrived in Jing City before the city gate was closed. Yu Feng walked past her tea house and stumbled into Lu Zheng Yang. The man saw her and was surprised to see that she had returned so quickly.

"Xiao Feng? Why are you here? I thought that you would return tomorrow?" Lu Zheng Yang asked while he gave her body a quick scan. Seeing that there was no injury on her body, Lu Zheng Yang let out a heave of sigh.

"Mmm… The task finished quicker than I expected. I decided to return earlier," Yu Feng said. "What about the other boys? Have they returned?"

"The boys had returned in the afternoon and had reported back to Zhou Ming. Don't worry. Everyone arrived safely without injuries."

"Good." Yu Feng smiled upon hearing that the others were uninjured.