Crown Prince Ji Zheng

Hearing Pei Zi's words, Yu Feng quickly got up.

The three of them stayed in silence to listen to the surroundings carefully. They could hear the sound of the horse galloping over towards their location. 

Pei Zi scattered the remaining of the campfire. Then, he exchanged a glance with the prince before he went off in another direction.

"Xiao Feng, we should leave too," Qin Zhi Hao whispered urgently.

Yu Feng nodded. She was going to grab Orange in her arms, but that cat had already run in another direction. Swiftly, she took Xiao Qi's hand in hers and pulled him away "I know a place to hide."

Qin Zhi Hao followed her until they both reached the river not too far away from the camping site. On their right was a small waterfall that flowed into a river. He had come over to this side earlier to wash up and knew that the water was deep.

The sounds of the horse galloping came closer and stopped close to where they were hiding.