Dog Hole

One would think that it was strange for her to listen to a cat, but Yu Feng has been with Orange for a long time and she trusted his instinct. The cat might annoy her at times, but Orange would always look after her.

The cat blinked before he turned and ran towards an alley. Yu Feng followed him until they reached the town's wall. Her mind went blank as she tried to think of what Orange wanted her to do. The wall was tall and she couldn't climb up. Even if she managed to find a ladder and climb up, the soldiers of the Great Ming Qi will notice her.

Yu Feng turned to Orange again and saw that the cat was walking alongside the wall. "What are you trying to do?" 

Orange finally stopped at a spot. He turned to Yu Feng again and meowed.

It was then that Yu Feng realized that there was another black cat beside Orange.