Xiao Qi's Injury

On Xiao Qi's stomach area, there was a big wound.

The wound was a little wide and deep. The moment the bandage was removed, Xiao Qi's face crumpled as he tried to bear with the pain. His lips were pursed as he gritted his teeth hard and the bead of sweats appeared on his forehead.

Yu Feng looked at the injury and thought that it looked very scary. It was a little red and swelling. At this time, there was a sign that this injury was infected.

As her tears streamed down her face, Yu Feng held on to Xiao Qi's hand tightly. It was unknown whether Yu Feng wanted to give him her strength or whether it was her who needed his strength after seeing the injury.

The Physician noticed that the Prince seemed to be holding hands with this unknown gentleman, but he merely pursed his lips and worked to change the dressing with full concentration.

Seeing the yellowish spot at a certain spot of his injury, the Physician became tensed.