Someone was Playing Hooligan

After staying a few days in Xiao Qi's tent, Yu Feng had this feeling as if she was tricked.

On the first day that she had arrived in the camp, Xiao Qi had told her that he was going to let someone prepare another bedding for her to sleep.

The next day, Pei Zi had entered the tent and brought in a new set of bedding and set it at the study. Xiao Qi had said that later, he will let Yu Feng sleep in the bed-chamber while he will sleep in his study. 

Thinking that the man would be busy and needed to look at some documents until it was late, Yu Feng thought that it made sense that he wanted to sleep in the study.

On the second night, Yu Feng went to bed after she had helped Xiao Qi to change his dressings. However, the next morning she woke up, Yu Feng found that she was in a certain man's embrace.

Xiao Qi told her that she was having a nightmare and that he was going to accompany her for a while before he will return to sleep in his study.