Caught Off Guard

When the morning comes, Qin Zhi Hao left the tent to speak with his guards, Pei Zi, Pei Lin, and Pei Yan.

In a while, he will be leaving the camp and headed to Capital City with Eunuch Mo and his envoy. Before he leaves, there is a lot of preparation that he will have to make. 

The most important thing was to arrange everything for Yu Feng. He needed to be sure that when he was not around, Yu Feng will be safe. This time, both Pei Zi and Pei Lin will follow him to Capital City while Pei Yan will continue to stay and protect Yu Feng.

While he was still discussing with his guards about their security measures, a soldier walked over towards him to inform him that they are ready to depart to Capital City soon.

Qin Zhi Hao gave his final instructions to his guard before he entered his tent.

As he walked inside, he found that Yu Feng was crouched down at a corner as she fed Orange his food. Noticing his presence, both of them looked up simultaneously.