Leaving Yuncheng

Qin Zhi Hao stayed in Yuncheng for three days.

On the day they were to depart to Capital City, the kids gathered around to sent Yu Feng to the door. Yu Feng had explained to them a couple of days ago that she had to leave for Capital City. Although they were a bit sad and reluctant, the kids had no choice but to accept them.

This time, Yu Feng did not know how long she will have to stay in Capital City. Her family matters were a bit complicated and she still did not know the Emperor's attitude towards her family.

The chattering voices, as well as the kids' sobs, could be heard around the hall. 

Yu Feng tried her best to coax everyone. After she had promised to write a letter to them, their sobs gradually stopped.

Once in a while, she would raise her head to look around. However, when she could not find the person she was looking for, Yu Feng grew disappointed.