Grant You This Marriage

The Grand Eunuch entered the hall with a big smile on his face. Even when the Empress was scowling at him, the smile on the Grand Eunuch's face did not fade away even a little bit. 

Everyone could guess why the Grand Eunuch had suddenly appeared at the Empress Palace.

The Empress gritted her teeth angrily at the Grand Eunuch's timely appearance.

"Greetings to Her Majesty, the Empress," the Grand Eunuch greeted. Then, he turned to the two princes and greeted the same.

"Grand Eunuch, why are you here?" the Empress asked.

The Eunuch smiled. "The Emperor heard that Prince Yi had entered the palace for a long time and worried when he had not arrived to meet him. Your Majesty, I came here to invite Prince Yi to the Emperor's hall."

"Grand Eunuch, as you can see, Prince Yi is still having his lunch," the Empress said. "Can't you wait until he finishes his meal?"