Both of Them are Alright

His expression turned darker upon hearing what his wife had risked her life to report. Although Qin Zhi Hao did not want to believe in such news, he believed that Yu Feng would not lie about it.

The Crown Prince had caught Zhou Ming and a few other officials who were in Capital City as hostages. General Zhao Lu who had his troop in Capital City had pledged his loyalty to the Crown Prince.

What's worse was that General An had decided to help the Crown Prince for his cause. Currently, there were more than tens of thousands of soldiers heading in their direction.

If Yu Feng did not come in time to warn them, then everyone in this hunting ground will die without the chance to protect themselves.

At this time, Qin Zhi Hao suddenly recalled Pei Zi's strange report. 

The Crown Prince had cut off any communication in and out of Capital City. This was the reason why Pei Zi was unable to contact any of their men in Capital City.