The Fight Continues

Capital City.

The nighttime of the city was very quiet as the city residents were mostly in their dreamland.

In a couple of hours, the sun will rise and the sky will turn bright. Soon, the residence will come out and continued their daily activity. None of them were aware of the danger that Lantian was facing at this moment.

Zhou Ming sat quietly on the top floor of the restaurant as he drank his tea in a languid manner. The open space allowed him to watch the view of the city night before him.

Even though he might seem a little carefree, no one knew the surging in his heart.

After Lu Zheng Yang had and the others had helped him to escape, Zhou Ming has been busy directing Lu Zheng Yang and the others to do a little something for him.

While the city residence was still sleeping, Zhou Ming has been busy gathering those who he knew to help him control the situation at the Capital City.