AN: This is an Alternate Universe to The Sequel Trilogy, which I gotta admit, I liked. Which is also not a crime, people! Anyway, this is basically a rewrite of the movie (Thanks to scripts online) with a new character and maybe a few scenes. Idk how this is going to turn out. I don't own Star Wars or the characters but if I did, I wouldn't have killed Ben Solo. If you don't like this story, please don't read. Don't go telling me in the comments because that would waste your time on Earth. If you do like it or are neutral on it, please give me feedback.
Even the smallest of changes can lead to a AU. If Star Trek has taught me anything, it is that. Hope you like it!
Also my OC might be a Marysue, if she is, I am very sorry.
Also Rey is 25 in this. Reylo.
Chapter One: Ben Solo (Prologue)
Ben Solo's POV
(6 years before Force Awakens)
I used the force to meditate once again in the quiet forest just outside the temple. I focused my mind and levitated into the air. Twirling rocks around me to focus myself as I enjoyed a few precious moments of peace. No Snoke whispearing in my mind, No Uncle Luke yelling at me and no one to judge me.
"You look like a broken dude right now."
I opened one of my eyes to see a small girl, who had long brown hair with bangs, blue eyes, a jedi robe that was a bit too big for her and wearing traditional jedi clothes, named Bini Filters glaring up at me.
"Bini, go away." I snapped at her, closing my eyes again, trying to block out all distractions.
"Can't do that. Grandmaster Luke sent me to find you." She replied, cutting through my focus. Gesturing up to the sky turning twilight. "Beeennnnn, huurrryyyy uuupppp."
I sighed in fraustration and went back down to the ground. I quickly grabbed my robe and lightsabre. Gesturing her to go.
"I am not falling for that again!" She said with a growl. "No way. Lead the way!"
"I need to be alone." I snapped back as I moved past her. Heading back towards the temple.
"You are always alone. Other than me, you don't hang out with anyone...Well maybe Hennix and Tai and me but mostly you are alone." Bini explained for the hundreth time.
"I don't want to hear it, Filters." I growled in growing agitation and anger. She must have sensed my emotions through the force because then she shut it for the rest of the trip back to the temple.
Bini Filters's POV
I sat up in my bed, surronded in darkness. Barly able to make out the room. Something is wrong. Something is wrong.
Suddenly, I heard small knocks on my door. I slipped on my jedi rode and ignited my blue lightsabre as a light source. Slipping out of bed, I crossed my room and used the force to open the door slightly, a small hand reached out and pushed the door further. One of the younger padawans entered the room. Staring back at me in concern.
"Bini? What is happening?" He asked in his usual small 8 year-old voice.
"I don't know. Why don't you ask one of the older students?" I asked, rubbing sleep from my eyes.
"They don't want to help. Please help." He begged. I nodded silently. He nodded back and tip toed back to his room. I walked into the main hallway, making sure not to be loud as I reached the main foyer. I reached out in the force to find Uncle Luke, he was faint...He must be outside. Where Ben's hut is. I groaned inwardly, not wanting to go outside but knowing I had to because I am a suck up.
I exited the temple and ran across the field. Carefully looking into the entrance of Ben's hut through the open door. Inside I saw Grandmaster Luke holding his hand to Ben's sleeping form. Suddenly, he jerked his hand away, breathing deeply. My eyes went wide as he reached for his lightsabre. No, no, this, this can't be happening...
He ingnited it. Green light lighted up the area. Ben woke up and turned around to see his own uncle holding a lightsabre up to him. This can't be happening. This has to be a nightmare! Fear made me freeze, made me go against my very instinct to do something or run. I was just frozen. Ben's eyes were terrified as Grandmaster Luke swung his lightsabre, Ben grabbed his own and deflected it. Raising his hand to use the force.
"Ben, no!" Grandmaster Luke yelled as the hut crushed around them. I stumbled away and collapsed to the ground. Trying to breath and not hyperventlate.
Then a hand appeared. Ben pushed his way out of the debris. He stumbled to the grass next to me, looking down at me with fear.
"Why? Why, why, why?" He repeated in angoish.
We had a moment of stunned silence.
"I...I...What...Just...happened?" I said slowly. Trying to understand the situation.
"We...I need to leave."
Then he stood up, rage taking over him as he process what the grandmaster had done, unlike me. I can't. This is too much. He spun towards me, waving his hand across my eyes. Then against my will, I blacked out.
My eyes fluttered open to see a burning temple. Burning...Temple. Oh my god. I stumbled up, ignoring my pounding headache. Seeing in disbleif as my...home was destroyed. I looked around frantically for Ben. No one. I felt no one in the force. Everyone is dead. Dead! Tears ran down my face and I cried. I sobbed for a good 20 minutes before I pulled myself together. Trying to not cry again as I made my way to the ship yards, noticing that two ships where missing. One I know is on a mission, the other was Ben's ship...Did Ben do this?There...There couldn't be any other explanation....
Ben Solo killed them all.
I felt hate. Hate at Ben. He killed my only family! I looked around the shipyard for a small ship. How was I going to do this? I can't fly a ship!
I marched onto the nearest ship, the smallest one. It had two compartments. One as a bedroom. Good. As I stepped on I was met with the latest version of a BB droid.
"Beep, Boop, Bee-eep?" The droid asked.
"He's d-dead. I am sorry."
The droid moved aside slowly with a sad beep in response. Understanding it's owner was gone.
"The temple is gone. Everyone is dead...I-I need to get off this planet. I need to go somewhere..." I muttered outloud as I sat at the controls.
"Beep, Bo-op?"
"Yes...Yes. Let's go there!" I said. "But...I don't know how to fly...this ship."
The droid rolled up beside me and plugged itself into the computer. Taking control of the ship. I leaned back in my chair as the droid started up the launching systems, trying to figure out my future.
---End of Chapter One---