Chapter Four: The Past
Bini Filters's POV
Rey, the dude, BB-8 and BB-3 ran up the ramp of the Millenium Falcon.
"Beep, Bo-oopp, BEEP!" BB-3 screamed as we entered the main hallway.
"Yes, the ship is gone! No, this is a bad day! Nothing about this is good!" I replied as I hit the control button to close the ramp. "Gunner position's down there!" Rey said, pointing down the main ladder. BB-3 and I shared a look of a complete misunderstanding of how Rey knew that.
"Y'ever fly this thing?" Finn asked as he went down the ladder. I followed Rey into the cockpit with BB-3 and BB-8. She tossed her staff aside and jumped into the pilot seat.
"No! This ship hasn't been flown in years!" Rey replied. I rolled my eyes and sat next to her in the Co-pilot seat. I hooked up BB-3 to the main computer. I got up and started flipping switches with Rey.
"I can do this, I can do this." She repeated.
"Thanks to BB-3 and I," I whispered. BB-3 beep with gratitude. We raised the Falcon with an unsteady hand.
After a great battle of going through broken ships and destroying TIE fighters. They ran to each other and started rambling about the battle.
"Good shooting!" T
"Thanks! I-"
"Now that was some-"
"I don't know!"
Finally, after the bickering ended and Rey bent down to speak with BB-8.
"You're ok. He's with the Resistance. He's going to get you home. We all will." Rey informed BB-8, then stood up again to face Finn. "I don't know your name."
"Finn. What's yours.
"I'm Rey." She replied and gestured to me. "This is Bini Filters, she was with BB-8 when I found him."
I nodded and gestured to BB-3.
"This is my droid. Ignore us. We are just here for the ride." I said. Leaving them to enter the main...Well, the living room of the ship. I slumped onto the sofa, with BB-8 staring up at me.
"This is bad. This is very bad." I mumbled.
"Beep, Bo-oopp, Beep?"
"No, I am never going to tell them what I am. If I did...Well, you can imagine what would happen then." I replied.
"Boop, Beep, Be-ep!"
"Look, I haven't used the force in awhile. I can prevent myself from using it for a little while longer. Don't worry." I insisted.
Rey's POV
Bini left the room as Finn and I shared an awkward moment of silence. He gave me a guilty look and chuckled awkwardly. Before we could say anything else, across the lounge where Bini was whispering to her droid quietly, steam started to burst from under a grating.
"Help me with this! Quick!" I ordered. Finn ran after me as I pulled up the grating and I jumped into it.
"Whoa! What's going on?" Finn asked as BB-8 beeped in concern.
Lieutenant Mitaka's POV
I hesitantly moved towards Ren. I swallowed, uneasy with my task.
"Sir. We were unable to acquire the droid on Jakku." I said. Ren turned slightly to look at me. Saying nothing. "It escaped capture aboard a stolen Corellian YT model freighter."
"That little...Bini Filters... The teenager and the droid... stole a freighter?"
"Not exactly, sir. They had help."
Ren says nothing. Which says everything. I started to sweat.
"We have no confirmation, but we believe FN-2187 may have been helped in the escape-"
Ren suddenly ignited his lightsaber, turns and slashes at the console behind him violently. I winced and looked away, feeling terrified for my life. After the sounds quieted down, I opened my eyes again to see the metallic wall in front of Ren ripped with glowing scares.
"Anything else?"
"The three were accompanied by a girl-"
Ren reached out, I was suddenly, violently pulled towards Ren into his black glove:
"What girl?"
Finn's POV
Rey's head pops us from under the grating, surrounded by steams as an emergency alarm started to blare.
"It's the motivator! Grab me a Harris wrench -- check in there!" She ordered. I ran over to the nearby storage box she disappeared down below. Overwhelmed by technical issues.
"How bad is it?!" I asked Rey as Bini and BBB-3 watched.
"If we wanna live, not good!" Rey replied as I scearched through the tools with BB-8 watching.
"They're hunting for us now, we gotta get outta this system!" I yelled in panic. Rey re-emerged and I handed her the wrench.
"Bini Filters and BB-8 said the location of the Resistance Base is "need to know" if I'm taking you there, I need to know!" Rey yells. I looked over to Bini for an explanation and she simply glared at me. She doesn't trust me. Rey disappeared under the grating once again. I leaned over to BB-8, making sure no one could hear us.
FINN (Throws a tool) This? She catches it and goes under again, leaving Finn and BB-8 alone. He contemplates telling her the truth. This is his moment. But instead, he knees to BB-8, says quietly, urgently:
"You gotta tell us where the base is." I hissed at him. BB-8 beeped back to me insistently.
"I don't speak that. Alright, between us, I'm not with the Resistance, okay?" I admitted. BB-8 backed up in alarm. "I'm just trying to get away from the First Order, but you tell us where your base is, I'll get there first, deal?!" I asked. BB-8 cocked his head.
"Pilex driver, hurry!" Rey barked, I quickly handed her another tool and Rey disappeared once again.
"So where's your base?" Rey asked from under the grating.
"Go on BB-8, tell her." I insisted. BB-8 considered the situation and let out a couple beeps.
"The Ileenium system?" Rey repeated in surprise. I, of course, was thrilled.
"Yeah, the Ileenium system, that's the one, get us there as fast as you can."
"I'll drop you three at Ponemah Terminal. I need the bonding tape, hurry!" She barked. I turned and started searching for the tape.
"What about you?" I asked Finn.
"I gotta get back to Jakku!"
"BACK TO JAK--?! Why does everyone always wanna go back to Jakku?!" I demanded. Rey started frantically pointing at the tool pile.
"No, that one! No. No. The one I'm pointing to! No. NO. NO. If we don't patch it up, the propulsion the tank will overflow and flood the ship with poisonous gas!" She yelled. BB-8 showed me the tape and I tossed it to her.
"Hey. Rey. You're a pilot, you can fly anywhere! Why go back?! You got a family? You got a boyfriend? Cute boyfriend?" I asked. Bini started pirking up in interest with BB-3. The steam and alarm stopped as Rey popped up annoyed.
"None of your business, THAT'S WHY!" She yelled. Suddenly all over the ship's power abruptly cut. Leaving us in darkness.
"Well, that's just great!" Bini snapped sarcastically.
"That can't be good."
We all ran towards the cockpit to see what was going on, we reached the console.
"Someone's locked onto us, all controls are overridden," Rey reported as I checked the outside space.
"Oh no."
"What is it!? What is going on?" Rey asked.
A Massive freighter was opening its giant hangar doors, swallowing us whole. Bring us into the ship.
"It's the First Order." I concluded.
"What do we do?"
"Hide, morons!" Bini barked. Bini grabbed us and shoved us into the hallway. She opened a hatch underneath the granting where we could hide and hid us all into it, even the droids. She replaced the hatch and we were now hiding between the floor. She knows this ship pretty well. A bit too well. Like she has been here before.
We heard two pairs of footsteps entering the ship. Suddenly after some whispers, the grating was removed and an old man with a Wookie stared down at us.
"Where are the others? Where's the pilot?" The man said.
"...I'm the pilot..." Rey nervously replied.
"You?" The man said in disbelief. The Wookie moan-talked.
"No, it's true: we're the only ones onboard."
"You can understand that thing?"
"And "that thing" can understand you too, so watch it. Come on outta there." He ordered. We all quickly climbed out with the droids. Following them into the lounge.
"Where'd you get this ship?"
"Niima Outpost." Rey replied.
"Jakku?! That junkyard?"
"Thank you! Junkyard!"
"Told ya we should've double-checked the Western Reaches!" The man said to the Wookie. "Who had it, Ducain?"
"I stole it from Unkar Plutt. He stole it from the Irving Boys, who stole it from Ducain."
"Who stole it from me! Well, you tell him Han Solo just stole back the Millennium Falcon for good." Han walks away, takes in the ship: it's his again. Doesn't see that Rey is awed.
"This is the Millennium Falcon? You're Han Solo?" Rey asked in awe as we entered the lounge.
"I used to be." He mumbled.
"Han Solo? The Rebellion General?"
"No, the smuggler!" Rey barked at me.
"Chewie, throw 'em in a pod, we'll drop them at the nearest inhabited planet." Han ordered.
"Wait! No, we need your help!" Rey said as Bini reluctantly stepped away from the group with BB-3.
"My help?"
"This droid has to get to the Resistance base as soon as possible! He's carrying a map to Luke Skywalker." I injected.
"You are the Han Solo that fought with the Rebellion. You knew him." Rey said. The mention of Luke really hit Han Solo. He turned to me with a sad expression.
"Yeah, I knew him. I knew Luke." He said. He left the room to somewhere distant, followed by Bini.
Bini Filters's POV
I followed Han back into the cockpit. Where he sat down at the controls and I sat beside him.
"Bini." He mumbled.
"Han Solo. I see you haven't abandoned everything in your life yet." I snapped back in haste.
"Bini." He growled. "Enough about Ben. Do they know who you are?"
"No. They are never going to know."
"It is a hard thing to hide you are a Jedi." He replied.
"I am no Jedi!" I barked. "That dream died the moment the temple was destroyed."
"If we find Luke-"
"IF, we find Skywalker. We don't know he is still alive! I know what I saw that night, I know what I felt that night in the force. Luke's Force signature wasn't there! We are basing everything off of a theory! Rumours that people have seen him! We don't even know if this map is real! Sure, they say it is on the droid but it might just be an empty chip! I don't know! I haven't seen it!" I ranted. "This entire thing is just...just..."
I sucked in a deep breathe as I relived the memories of my last day at the temple.
"He was fine! He was fine, I swear it!" I exclaimed. Trying to tell Han what happened. "Ben was fine! Luke tried to, and Ben just...reacted! He didn't need to kill them!"
Han put a comforting hand on my shoulder as I continued to sob.
"He didn't need to kill them!" I repeated. Suddenly, we heard a loud bang. I wiped my eyes, trying to pull it together. I put my hood on, hiding my puffy eyes from crying.
"Don't tell me a Rathtar's gotten-" He mumbled as we ran into the hallway, being joined by the droids and Finn and Rey who looked at us in concern. We exited the ship into a large hanger and followed Han to a console where it showed security cameras. One the security cameras it showed a transport ship docking.
"You're not hauling Rathtars on this freighter, are you?" Finn demanded as he saw one in a cage.
"I'm hauling Rathtars." Han admitted. "Oh great. It's the Guavian Death Gang, they must've tracked us from Nantoon.
"What's a Rathtar?" Rey asked as we walked further into the ship past cargo cointainers.
---End of Chapter Four---