Chapter 13

I got up and went to clean the dishes as someone enters the kitchen. I turn around and see a man who looks in his twenties with a big built and good looking face but not as good as Jacob, blue eyes that hold some warm in them. He clears his throat and says," Your things arrived and they had been moved up to your room."

"Oh thank you. Could you lead me to it."

"Of course Luna."


The day was full of activities, people have been working all day, it was like they were preparing for a party. They were setting things in the back of the house or as they call it "pack-house", behind the house there's a forest, it looks so big and deep, so they were set in front of the woods.

I went to my room that they gave me, it was across from Jacob's.

It took me a couple of hours to put things in their right place as I see them are. I think I will be living in here for a long time because Jacob always says that I should stay beside him, he said he will explain everything later after the full moon.

I feel like there's a big responsibility waiting for me after this day, I see it in the eyes of the people living here, it's like they expect something big from me it is the same feeling when they call me "Luna", what if I'm not like they expect me to be, I don't know how to be what they want me to be.

Ahhh! It's so frustrating!

I shouldn't be thinking about this right now when I should be preparing myself for what is coming next.

Oh God helps me.

A quick knock on the door had brought me back from my thoughts.

"Come in!" I said before the door had opened revealing a woman who looked in her forties.

She had short red hear, blue eyes and a warm smile that was plastered on her face, she stepped in as she said "Good evening Luna," with a quick bow," we will be starting the celebration in a few minutes. The Alpha is waiting for your presence."

"Ahh... Oh... alright... Um, I-I'm going... Oh, okay, I'm getting down... Right..."

"It's okay. You don't have to be nervous, do you want me to call the Alpha?"

"Oh... yes...Um no,no...well, I-I don't know! Oh my God!"

Jacob's P.O.V.:

I was waiting outside in the background of the pack-house. All the members of the pack were down there. It was a big celebration, Their Luna will be shifting for the first time. It was a tradition that if the Alpha finds the Luna before she had shifted, there will be a celebration on her first time. It is rarely made because it's so rare for an Alpha to meet his Luna this young.

I was so happy for celebrating this important event 'Melanie's first shift' and I will be the first one to see it and the only one who will help her through it and the only one who will teach her how to get used to it.

I had sent one of the females so she can get Melanie, but she had taken a lot of time the moon will soon come out and my beautiful mate hadn't come yet, and we can't begin the celebration without the Luna, in the end, it's all about her.

I was looking at the doors when suddenly they busted open and there Tori, the lady I had sent after my mate, rushed out, she looked a bit worried as she was searching the crowd as her eyes landed on me. She came running towards me, as she reached me she quickly bowed and started " Alpha the Luna is panicking. She isn't agreeing to come with me, her breathes are so quick and... and I think you should come and see her."

As I heard that my mate isn't feeling good I started running up towards her room ignoring the confused looks on the passenger's faces.

Melanie's P.O.V.:

I started to panic, it's something new to me and I never was good at handling new things. My body started to shake and my legs felt weak as I couldn't keep standing up, I sat on the bed so I don't fall to the floor.

Suddenly the door open and there enters Jacob, he runs to me and goes to his knees and hold my hands rubbing circles on their back and making chills go down my spine as I start to relax a bit. His presence makes me relieved and safe in kind of way. I could see the concern in his eyes and it makes my hearts break to see him in this situation and it's all my fault.

"Hey baby it's okay I'm here" he cooed as he got up to sit beside me on the bed as he wraps his arms around my shoulder and I rest my head on his chest feeling it rise up and down each time he takes a breath, and instantly I feel relaxed and all thoughts have gone as his touch is the only thought that consumes me. "Now tell me what's wrong?"

"I'm afraid" I mumbled and I doubt if he heard it, but he did as he caresses my arm.

"Afraid of what love? Haven't I told you that it's gonna be okay?"

"I really can't handle new things. "

"I'll be with you all night and make sure you're alright you can trust me."

"I do trust you," I say back as I look up to his eyes. Then he takes my hand and pushes me up as we stand in the room holding each other gaze.

"So what are we waiting for?"

He interlocks our fingers and starts walking out of the room and down the stairs into the back doors.