Chapter 16

Melanie's P.O.V:

"... And then Jacob came with clothes and got us out of the lake!" Carl said chuckling.

" Oh my God!" I laughed.

"It was so embarrassing with all the girls watching us as we got out of there covered with mud, and we were only 16 years old back then." He said while opening the dining doors. I started laughing at what he said, as he was telling me a story about when he and Daniel were trying to hit on girls who were already mated, and how these girls mates had humiliated them.

Before we entered there was some noises coming out of the room, but when we entered it fell in silence. Everyone was looking at us, but I felt two pairs of eyes burning through me, I searched the crowd and then I saw him. He was sitting at the end of the room, on a little stage where a table was set, I think it was for the ones who held a rank.