Chapter 41

Melanie's P.O.V.:

I parked the car that I took from Jacob's garage in my dad's front yard, I got out of the car taking my bag with me and holding the letter in my hand tightly. After a long look at the house that I grew up in, I took a deep breath in and walked to the front door, I didn't bother to ring the bell as I already had the keys. As I walked inside I looked around the hallway and the staircase, nothing has changed, but that wasn't a surprise as Helen was the one who decorated the house, my dad always wanted her to feel comfortable so he never argued with her about these "silly stuff" as he used to say. I turned left entering the living room where Helen and her boyfriend Nicolas were sitting on the sofa looking around the room I noticed another man that I don't recognize sitting on one of the arm chairs.

"Hello," I greeted as walked around and sat on the other arm chair that was placed in front of the strange man.