Chapter 48

"So I still don't understand why you wouldn't want Jacob to know", asked Daniel after closing his notebook. 

"It's not that we don't want him to know, we just didn't want him to come and distract us as you know this project is really important and we needed to finish it," said Lauren putting away her laptop.

"I'm gonna go put my bag in my room and check on Tracy, I hope she's not upset anymore. We pushed her way too much today," I said getting up with my bag in hand, leaving the kitchen, and getting up the stairs I can faintly hear Daniel asking Lauren what I meant. 

I stopped by my room and first dropped my bag next to the desk then I headed to the wardrobe and got out my pajamas, I went to the bathroom brushed my hair, and put on the clothes. Getting out I head to Tracy's room, I knock softly on the door but get no response, I try again louder this time but still nothing.