Chapter 51

"Oh, you got pizza?" asked Carl walking into the kitchen.

"Yeah, Tracy ordered them. Come and eat," I said. We were all sitting around the round table in the kitchen corner and there was one chair left unseated.

Carl looked at Tracy then at the pizza boxes and then again at Tracy with a suspicious look. "I didn't poison them," Tracy said taking a slice and placing it on her plate with a dull look on her face.

"I wouldn't be surprised if you did," said Carl sitting down.

"Now you too I don't want fights over lunch, eat in silence," Jacob seemed annoyed by their quarrel. I know that not knowing what happened between these two is bothering him, he wants to end it with them both accepting each other, we all hope that but what would be his reaction when he learns about Tracy's true feelings? 

Why don't you tell him?  Came my wolf's voice.

I can't, it's not my place, not my secret to share.