
Walking along the stone pathway I see the difference between seeing the world on screen and actually being in here. "Wow" was all I could say as I stood there and gasping at the sight around me and not just that but at the walls the 30ft walls that surround the whole area. "Move kid your blocking the way" says a guy with blonde hair who kinda looks familiar ahhh his Hannes the guard dude in the series.

Quickly apologising to Hannes, his eyes wander around me and speaks to me "hey your Daniel's kid Rob right, I'm Hannes a friend of your father I didn't think he'd let you out, after all you have a fragile heart don't you?" Shaking my head at his words " thank you Mr.Hannes for your concern but as you can see I'm better now and I asked my parents for permission to come out and explore since I was always in my home".

Hearing how polite I was, Hannes let's out a chuckle "hahaha kid your so polite unlike some brat that I know off anyways it's good to see you and if you see your father tell him let's have a drink like old times sake" nodding at Hannes as acknowledgment Hanees turns around and goes to the nearest pub to get drunk. Well it was expected that he'd get drunk like in the anime but he seemed like a nice guy.

Rubbing my stomach feeling hungry I keep walking around to explore but theres actually nothing interesting just the typical normal people and buildings nothing out of ordinary. As I kept walking I came across an alleyway where I looked and saw a scrawny kid with blonde hair getting beaten up. "Hey what are you doing to him?" I shouted and ran to the group.