"Mikasa stop!" Said Eren, who walks while clutching his stomach "are you trying to kill him, his barely breathing and what you did to him is worse compared to what he did to me, besides it's me who is at fault here, so let him go," Eren says to Miakasa "no I won't let him go, he hurt you Eren, Mom said to protect you and I failed at it so he has to be punished for hurting you" Mikasa says with anger

"Are you crazy? Protect me! I dont need protection okay I'm old enough to make my own damn decisons and you shouldn't listen to mom and her babbling let him go now!" Eren shouts in anger at Mikasa who freezes up and reluctantly stands up and leaves the bloodied face of the curly black haired boy.

Sucking a breath of cold air at the damage done to the curly black haired boy Armin and Eren exchange looks of horror because currently what they are seeing is gruesome, the boys nose is crooked and bent, his left eye is swollen like a light bulb, his missing several tooths and his face is in mixture with dirt, cuts and blood from Mikasas as she banged his face across the concrete.

Armin quickly approaches his saviour who is now in a state of unknown and puts his ear on his chest "how is he Armin," Eren asks "his safe and alive but his barely breathing" Armin declares wiping sweat off his forehead while looking at Mikasa who hides her face in her red scarf, scary he thought to himself.

"Ahh that's good at least his alive" sighs Eren.