
After learning about my abilities, as soon as I recovered i trained my sense of smell to sniff out different scents. One of my training was going to the woods and sniffing out footprints which in my mind formed differnt colors strings that led me to the people which the footprints belonged to.

I tested my self against a boar as target practice while holding a knife and sniffing out its blindspot and instantly a white string which is the blindspot string forms between me and the boar it looks loosely until the boar charges at me and then the string tightens into a straight line towards the boars neck which I follow and sidestep to the right and stab the bar at his right neck causing it to cry in pain as blood spurted out the wound causing the boar to tumble down and die.

Huffing at the boars speed I though that if I was a second late I'd get shredded by its tusks, I need to change weapons a short knife ain't good, a spear should work properly. Thinking of my mistakes, I move on to my next training which is the hearing training where I concentrate on one sound and try to predict where it would go based on the slightes movements it makes, well I'm observing people doing everything things and predicting where they will move.

So far so good I say to myself, sometimes I forget to tune my hearing off and I hear moans across the night making me twitch my lips in annoyance.