
Chapter 4

MAX HURRY ERASER ARE BACK that was angel. "Fang the flack is in trouble angel sent me a message saying that the eraser are back they are attacking the flock we have to hurry leave the stuff we'll come back for them lets just go!" as I take a running start and flew myself into the air and I let my wings catch the air and then I let my wings do all the other work for me to fly I glance behind and saw Fang behind good as he poured on speed to keep up with me.

"Max are you sure it was angel and not someone else trying to trick you" Fang said with a little caution in his voice.

"Doubted me again and see what happens to you. I know the different between angel and other people plus we know only one person that read minds and can talk with there minds" I said with snarl "Where are they Fang"

"They over here"

As we got to the campsite we saw the eraser "back to fighting our favorite erasers" I said with a grin.

"Yeah I guess" Fang said with a smile then Fang smiled fade "it can't be "

"what?" I asked Fang as I looked I felt my mouth drop opened I drop a couple feet before I flew back up to fang "it can't be he is dead "

"Well he isn't dead he is back lets go fight" Fang said as he dive bomb the first group of erasers he saw.

"Max" Ari said with a grin

"Ari why are you doing this remember were on the same side you rescued me" I said with sadness

"Just because we have the same goals doesn't mean were on the same side.And sorry sis but you guys have to go" Ari said sadly

"NO you go or we chase you out you'll choice" I said with a evil grin

"I would like to see you try to chase me out of here"

Okay as I shot downward about two hundred and thirty miles per as swing my feet out to hit Ari in the face he grabbed me yank me down which hurt if you never had that happen to you.

"Time for you to die sis"Ari said but he stopped all of sudden and he pressed his claw like hand to his ear and then said "Yes sir" then he looked at "Gauss what today you'r lucky because you don't die. See you around Max" then all of sudden the eraser vanished out of thin air.