
I add image of girls to the Discord channel, come and help your imagination.

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In the morning, I left the inn by myself. Although covered, the girls still had tantalizing bodies that could not be hidden just by cloaks.

I left the inn to learn how to leave the community enclosed by a supreme treasure. The information was not hard to come by. There were lots of people who hit the border of Land confined by Feline God. In time, people started to get eager to learn more about the world behind the barrier keeping them away from outside.

I heard it many times when I was in the sect. Devoted believers of Feline God were rock-ribbed on the grace of His Highness. But the smarter folk who can actually think are aware that it is a charm to keep people away from this rich land that Feline God wants to monopolize.

There were some people who entered or left the confined land, such as my father. But how did they do it, no one knows.

I walked by a waffle shop and was intended to go to a library, but the smell of the sweet food allured me right into the shop. I always loved sweet food and could survive without regular food.

The signboard was saying Crispy Waffle and it indeed aroused my interest. I sat on a table close to the workshop and watched the chef as she prepared the waffle.

The canisters were brandless and there was no clue to see their content. But I always had good eyes and noses, after the system it got even better. The chef mixed flour, cornstarch, baking soda, sugar, a little bit of salt, vanilla, milk, oil, and finally eggs.

She whisked the dry and wet ingredients separately and whisked them together later on. Waited 10 minutes for it to brew while heated the waffle iron and the oven. After using the iron and finishing with it, she set the waffle into the oven and made it crispy.

After that came the sweet part. Maple syrup, ice-cream, strawberries, and bananas put on top of it. It was perfect. After eating the second one with pumpkin and cinnamon I left the shop satisfied.

The library was in the city center. There were not many people going to or fro. I was surprised to see that the interior was empty. In my previous life, there were always people in libraries reading something.

I walked to the counter and a mature woman with glasses smiled at me. "Welcome, little brother. Would you like to read a book?"

"Yes, please. I would like to learn about the barrier surrounding the land." I asked honestly. There were thousands of books in the library and without a compass, I could not find the book I was looking for.

"Of course." The mature woman smiled and her dimples blossomed. "Books about the barrier are on the third floor at D section. Enjoy your time."

I thanked the Lady and walked towards the stairs. There was an elevator but I didn't want to use it to go to the third floor. After arriving, it wasn't hard to locate the books I was looking for. Luckily, there was systematic teaching in the sect and I was proficient in the language of this world. Books were easy to comprehend. Spending three hours I already finished all the books related to the subject.

I was deeply thinking about how should I leave the barrier when the footsteps of heeled shoes break me out of my musing. "I was worried when you haven't even returned for a toilet break after 5 hours," Lady said sweetly.

"It's been 5 hours already?" I asked dumbfounded. It took me three hours to read all the books and I was musing for two hours without even noticing.

"Little brother, why do you study the barrier?" Lady asked, curious?

"I want to go out of this circled land. I want to see the outside world." I say resolutely.

"Youth is such a wonderful thing." Lady sighed. "But you should be careful. No one has ever returned after they left this land."

"What if the world outside is too wonderful to make them forget about this small world?" I asked. I was born in another world and seen many things. This world had technology and magic. I am sure it is way better than my last world, but I am confined in this small world for 18 years. But my words blow the lady's mind.

"I've never thought it like this. Yes! What if the outside is so wonderful. And once you leave, you forget about this pitiful world." Her eyes weren't focusing anything in particular. I could see that she was dreaming of a better world without even knowing what could be out there. I walked to her and touched her forehead. She startled then looked at me weirdly.

I didn't say anything but used my Combo Element to show a piece of my old world. A crowded city with lots of people. Cars going to and fro. There were high buildings and giant TVs. Vendors selling exotic foods or ornaments. Entertainment venues running and people are laughing.

Her unfocused eyes started to rain and her knees buckled. I held onto her waist and unintentionally my Hands of Pleasure took effect. She ejected from illusion I sent into her brain and looked at me at close distance. She was hesitant for a few seconds but then kissed me on my lips. I could taste tobacco and rose from her sweet lips.

Biting her lips to stimulate pleasure and pain achieved my goal of opening her mouth. My tongue cathed hers and I sent an illusion of dance of salsa. We kissed as we danced, and our salivas exchanged. After kissing without a stop for almost ten minutes, we both were heaving heavily, but we didn't let go of each other. I closed to her alluring neck with a beauty spot and land a kiss. She was already aroused and our session of love started on the same table I was reading for three hours.