Farming Begins!

Hello everybody. I hope you are doing fine. Thank you for showing interest to my novel. I would like you to please, review the novel for better exposure.


I left the safe village in the morning after breakfast served by goblins. Because I decided to level up and fight with the village, the residences were more accomodating to us.

I followed the path the chef drew for me the previous night and tracked the beasts I am looking for.

People of this world can level up by killing beasts, but unlike me, they have to cultivate the beast cores to understand the minute amount of insight inside the creation of universes existing in every living being. Beast Cores, Human Cores, Goblin Cores et cetera forms with the birth and grows with the host.

Despite the cultivation of the host, the core accumulates insights of the universe and keeps it inside it. Of course, as the cultivation gets higher, insight in the core increases as well.

There are many more factors that affect the value of the cores, primarily the type of the element the host of the core possesses. If the element of the core matches with the one holding it to cultivate, insight can be gain is much denser.

Because the cores are fragile constructions adhered to, any piece of dissipation breaks the structure and breaks the core away. That is why most of the time cores are traded in cities. Because a core hosted by a fire element beast is almost useless to lightning element users. Instead of wasting the core for a minute amount of insight, trade between matching elements is a more logical choice.

"But with the system I have, every beast I kill gives me a percentage of experience which helps me level up faster. I still can use the cores to cultivate." That is my advantage over people in this world.


It didn't take too long for me to find the first nest. It was a nest of forest snakes mostly having poison element cores. "The poison element is more valuable than others because it can also be used in alchemy!"

Forest Snakes are dangerous creatures that can attack with stealth and poison. For an unprepared hunter, they are deadly, but fortunately, the chief warned me before I left and gave me a couple of antidotes.

Chief also offered a weapon for me, but I never had any systematic training with any weapons. I learned how to use almost all of the weapons but I cannot use them to hunt. Still, I grabbed a short sword just in case.

I am not sure which weapon is most suitable for my elements. They are not combat elements that is why a specific weapon doesn't fit. But concealing my existence with my Combo Element and hunting from distance sounds reasonable. Unfortunately, bows and arrows are not weapons that can be used on a whim. I will seriously train them when I arrive in the city.

I heard a hiss when I was walking towards to nest. I felt goosebumps on my neck and activated the barrier element instinctively. A dull sound heard and a leaf green snake hit the invisible glass around me before falling to the ground. I drew the short sword in my waist and stab it before it could come to its senses.

[Forest Snake Lv 5 killed, %1 exp]

"So each beast a level higher me earns me a %1 experience." I mused as I looked at the snake. "What should I do with the body? It is too big for me to carry, but I may carry special parts."

[Would host like to activate storage?]

"Ah, so I have storage function as well. Why the hell not? How much is it?" I asked skeptically.

"15.000 SP for activating 1m² space," System asked the exact amount I had at the moment.

"There is something suspicious." I squinted. "Anyway, I accept. Activate the storage, please."

[Storage activated

The host can place any non-living thing in the storage to keep it safe

Time in the storage is stationary, thus things inside the storage will not expire.]

I felt a space in my soul sea when the notification sounded. I willed for the snake to disappear and it appeared in the storage I can pry anytime I want.

"Now it is better." I looked around and kept moving towards the nest.

After walking for 20 minutes and encountering another 5 snakes, I arrived at the nest. Level 5 snakes earned me %1 experience, level 6 snakes %2 percent so on. After killing all five, I leveled up once again and now I am Level 5. One more level and my element will have a greater effect on the upper-level beast. As of now, my elements are not effective on Level 7-8-9-10 beast because after level 6 is another realm.

There is a distinct line between the low level and upper level, separated at level 6. For example, my combo element, albeit slightly, could effect Abbot who was level 5. But if I were to use it against a level 6 fighter, they could break away my skills without sweating.

"Chief said, the strongest Forest Snake is Level 8. My elements are not strong enough for it. But if I level up before I fight with it, I may be breakthrough before I encounter it." I started to plan out when I was close to the nest.

"Most of the Forest Snakes are level 5-6-7. As of now, level 5 snakes only earn me %1 experience, level 6 %2, and level 7 %3. There are around a few hundred snakes in the nest and I will bet my chances there is a hierarchy in the nest. So, outer rings should contain weaker beasts. Deeper I go, the stronger the snakes will be, but I also become stronger further I walk."

"I spent all my SP, so there is no turning back now. I will run if I cannot hold my footing." I steeled my nerves and walked inside the nest.