Fighting with Troll King!

Troll King looked at me, bewilderedly. He couldn't probe my Level, thus he must have thought I am just a regular human with no cultivation. So, me running to him must have baffled him.

I removed the short sword and dagger from my storage and attacked to his muscular legs while keeping the barrier active. I want to probe his abilities and better understand his sensory organs before killing him in one fell swoop.

To my surprise, his reaction and his speed were fast enough to evade my attacks. Considering his girth, he was able to move fast. I changed my tactic and started to jump on the barriers I created instantly. I jumped from the ground and created another platform attached to a tree nearby. I jumped through that platform once again.

The versatile use of barrier was satisfying but the bad side was I couldn't create a barrier in thin air. It had to be attached to a solid material, such as ground or a tree. I could also attach it to my opponents, but it would prevent me to use it effectively.

After jumping around the giant troll, he started to swing his gigantic hands as if I am a giant mosquito. But instead of a sting, I have a dagger and a short sword.

I started to cut around his body, but it was as if I was hitting iron instead of skin. The name of the iron Muscles element wasn't for show only. My short sword and dagger weren't mana weapons, but they were of good quality. Yet, they weren't even able to draw blood from the giant troll.

Zulabar may have not injured by my attacks but he sure got annoyed. He attacked me with all his might, but I had a small figure for him and could evade all of his attacks with my barrier element. Maneuvering in the air wasn't a problem for me, and depending on it I was able to jump between thick trees like a monkey in the jungle.

Because my weapons were ineffective, I decided to use my newest element. The Shadow element came with great innate ability.

[Shadow Blade: Create a blade through a shadow in a 2-meters sphere around the user.

Note: Enemies can feel their shadows are played with if you use their shadows.]

With it, I can create shadow blades with any shadow in 2 meters sphere around me. Luckily we are battling in a forest, and there are too many shadows.

I decided to use just that and landed on a tree branch. Irritated Troll King approached me and wanted to grab me with his hand.

"You little fly, finally landed. Now I will kill you." he roared as his giant hand which was as big as me closed on me. There was a shadow on the tree branch, and it was perfect for me to test it. I sent my mana to Shadow Element and circulation completed in an instant thanks to my perfect path. Element activated and skill cast. I felt a connection with the shadow I was aiming for, and I felt like I could create a blade. Size, thickness, and speed could be adjusted so long as the thing came out was a blade.

I intended to create a two-meter long blade as thin as a cicada wing, but to my surprise, my mana wasn't sufficient for the size. I readjusted the size and made it a meter long. This time a blade, as black as the shadow came out of the tree branch I was standing on.

The blade was beneath the giant's hand that aiming me. The piercing point of the sword cut the skin of the giant, and the thin blade drew a bloody line in the palm of the beast.

"Argh! You little shit!" Troll King roared and jumped back. I followed through and started to create blades with every shadow he was close to. He wasn't a king for nothing tough. He started to evade shadows and his big rod started to destroy trees around us. After a few minutes of constant fighting, we found ourselves in an opening where there were no trees and only broken woods.

There was only his shadow I could use now, and I did that. But as soon as I shaped his shadow, he grabbed to control from me and willed to grab the shadow blade. To my surprise the shadow blade I created landed on his hand he started to attack me with it.

"This is the difference between the low level and Leven 10. I thought you are a big shit because I couldn't see through your level. I don't know what kind of treasure you are using but now because I grabbed the control from you, I am sure you are not Level 10 yet." Troll King laughed as he attacked.

I jumped back and started to approach other trees, Troll King followed suit. When we were close to the trees, he cathed up with me and a giant shadow blade was on top of me. It was about to clash with my head. And if it were to hit me, my head would crack open like a watermelon. But I jumped up without fear.

When I was a meter high and the shadow blade was a few inches away from me I canceled the Shadow Element and the blade disappeared. It was after all my creation. Even though I lost control, I could still cancel it. I switched back to the barrier element and jumped through a platform I attached to the tree.

I jumped more than three meters and now was above Troll King.

"What can you do, little shit? There are no more shadows except mine, and your attacks are more pathetic than a mosquito bite." Troll King laughed as his two hands started to approach each other. I was in between them, and if they were to close on me, I would be a puddle of skin and blood.

"Are you sure it is the only shadow on the battlefield?" As I said that my body came between the sun on the sky and Giant Troll's head. I blocked the sun for him, but in this way, my shadow formed on his head. I willed all my mana to move to my shadow and formed the biggest and thickest blade I can form.