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In the morning, close to the afternoon, I woke up with Ylva. I cleaned myself in the attached bathroom and left the house. The feast ended, but the festive air was still there. The tables, leftover food, and ashes of the giant bonfire were in the middle of the village square.

I walked between passed out drunkards and reach to the keg holding the sweet goblin beer and had a full tankard of it. "I missed the bless of the morning beer."

I searched my sisters and found them passed out on a table. I woke them gently and told them to prepare themselves.

'Today, I will go to the city!' I was really excited to go to the city. At first, my only objective was to reach the city and have more skills to learn with my already awakened elements. But now, I learned how great the city is, I want to go and feel the city life.

As a former resident of the city, Ylva told me much about city life. It was not that different from my previous life plus magical effects. Ylva told me all about the shops with magical items, alchemy shops with different kinds of potions, and blacksmiths with weapons. There are schools for mages and warriors. There are even special schools for rare element users.

The city is different from villages and towns. Many races are living together there without any conflicts. Council and security forces mixed with many races administer the city without any separation, with some exceptions.


Feline God, Canid God, Bird God, etc. These are high entities named themselves as Gods and created their temples to connect a newly discovered world to their own worlds. But some religions are teaching how "Real Gods" supposedly created the world from nothing and created all the other races. The thinking of these people is fine per se, but there isn't only one of those. There are multiple different religions with the same belief, and each of them claimed to be the only real god and only real religion creating the conflict.

Universal Laws, Article #36: People of any race in any world are free to worship any god they choose, or not worshipping at all.

The entities created these laws are stronger than the above-mentioned gods, thus the conflict. People of the Feline Race accept Feline God as their creator, but doesn't accept him to the creator of the Universe, neither does Feline God. This entity doesn't forbid worship to other gods, neither does his race. But religious people exclude Cat Race, and any worship to Feline God is taboo in their eyes. In the city, they can't do anything openly, but still, people of minority are discriminated against in the cities.

In such an environment the pressure a Wolf Girl, such as Ylva carrying full glory of a race, had to face could be understood. People of beast races can carry some attributes related to their Gods. And in extreme cases, they can born with a mutation like Ylva. Most of the time they were worshiped as holy children. But in rare times, these mutated people would be staked and burned.

It was all fine until Ylva's father died. When he was alive, he was a wealthy aristocrat in the city with many rich shops and a giant manor. His daughter, the princess, was also held on a pedestal and worshipped by many. A strong magical fighter at level 30 belonged to the Canid Race even accepted her as his disciple.

When Ylva's father died, she had been alienated. Even the envoys of Canid God turned a blind eye to her. The former princess falling off her throne brought great calamity on her. All the jealousy turned to gloat and hatred, and she had no choice but to escape.

She thought she could create a life in the city without her fellow race. But unlike her expectation, the city wasn't accepting. Religious people made their best to make life miserable for her, and once again she had to run away into the woods.

When she was hunted by the same people, wolves found her and kidnapped her to bear their children. And if it wasn't for Desmond, her only fate would be the breeding wolves.

"I swear I will revenge your every tear," Desmond swore silently with rage after Ylva recounted her story. He was rarely mad, especially after his rebirth. His only mindset was to enjoy life to its fullest. Create a giant harem, and live with the girls loves you back. But now that he realized this stupid world had its own share of problems, and even though not saint, Desmond was determined to fix those.

"I will create a world where my girls and I can live freely and happily. I would like to be free of all troubles, but people of this world and gods of outer space will not let me have my dream peacefully."

Even his sisters were kept as prisoners because of what their mother did. Now that they were with Desmond, soon envoys and later Feline God himself would descend on him to take them back. "They are my girls, and anyone reaching for my girls will lose their hands."

Desmond looked at the horizon as he waited for the girls to get ready. Chief Ac came from his house and dropped a sack full of the beast core to the table he was sitting at. Desmond wasn't modest and opened the sack. To his surprise, the cores were of shadow element.

"My brother was also a shadow element user. When he was alive we were safe and no one could bully us. Unfortunately, he was killed when he was running errands for the village. If he went for those schools he could be a great powerhouse but he stayed back to protect the village.

These are the cores he was keeping to breakthrough, now they are yours."

"Thank you, Chief Ac. I will make use of them and breakthrough Fighter Realm. I will not make your brother's efforts to go waste."