Secret Realm!

In a faraway mountain range,

"Can we open the secret realm now?" asked the man with Leopard ears to the other two with Lynx ears.

"It seems like the auspicious time is close. The secret realm will open soon." He answered back, as he was using the strange device his master had given to him.

"Have you set the protective arrays." He then returned to the 5 with cat ears.

"Yes, sir. There is no power in the world, can break in from the illusion array God had lent us." They answered in unison.

"Good, now we wait." He looked at the faraway mountain range with expectation. He had an easy mission this time with a great reward. He could even be promoted after that.


I left the city and move to the place Feline God's envoys were heading. I wasn't worried about getting caught because the intel I received was a few days old, and they must have already reached their destination.

What I was more concerned about was how to spy on them when I arrive there. From the intel I have learned, this time, Feline God sent 1 Leopard Envoy, 2 Lynx Envoys, and 5 Cat Envoys. Ranking in envoys is unlike the descendants, and they take their appearance based on their levels. Cat envoys are those below level 11, Lynx Envoys below 21, and Leopard Envoys below level 31.

I don't know the level of Leopard Envoy, but it is safe to think he is above 25. As of now, I can find my way around anyone at Warrior Realm, but above level 20, aka Knight Realm, is still beyond me. As of now, I have limited information on Knight Realm. I have the notes Filverel left for me, and I learned the conditions to level up from 20 to 21, yet, there are too many unknowns when it comes to that mysterious realm.

"I will take my chances. Worst case scenario, I will run away as fast as I can."

I ran through the forest and rocks, in rain and snow. After leveling up to 11, my body got stronger even though I didn't awaken a strength element. But unlike other people living in this world, I had another advantage that can make my body stronger. Level 7 Body Medicine, No-Impurities Body Strengthening Medicine! A real medicine with the name 'Body Strengthening.' Unlike the bathwaters named as such to sell better. Level 7 medicine was as high as I could concoct at the moment, because of a lack of alchemy fire.

After getting lots of beast cores through selling potions in the auctions, I bought lots of ingredients for my girls and myself. I created enough Level 7 Medicine for four people, and my girls and I are as strong as a Level 19 Strenght-type Element user bodily. With other factors, such as the use of magic elements we are stronger than an average level 19 Warrior.

I ran to my destination without sweating a break, and after half a day, I was close to the mountain range. I approached the place I calculated before leaving the city. I didn't know where the envoys were going, but from the direction and speed they were moving, I had calculated their destination approximately.

After walking for a while, I felt something familiar. 'Ah, an illusion array again. I was right.' I approached the mountain wall and touched it. If I didn't know better, I would pass this place without knowing there is a cave behind this seeming mountain wall. That was the scary part of my element. Even when I know that there is an opening instead of a wall, if I were to walk into it, my body would react as if I hit solid rock.

I touched on the 'wall' and closed my eyes. Not long after, my hand passed through the 'wall' then my whole body. I found myself inside a cave. The cave was emblazed by the runes of a foreign language that I had no idea where it came from. In the alchemy memories of Witch Queen, there was a piece of memory about these runes. Because the memories were related to only alchemy, I normally couldn't access to many things, but at some point in her life, she studied these runes to enhance her Alchemy Skills. Thus, I could see related memories. At the peak of her life, and when she was using this language to improve, she still couldn't crack the language.

Inside the cave was as bright as a sunny day with all the blazing runes. 'As I thought, Feline God was hiding a Secret Realm. And from the intensity of runes, I can say it has just opened.'

I walked towards to end of the cave slowly without making any voice. I changed my ears to that of a bat, my nose to that of a dog, my eyes to that of an eagle, and my vocal system to sonic. The map of the cave appeared in my mind, and I could 'see' a portal at the end of the path. There was no one else inside, thus I walked to the portal.

'This is going to be my first Secret Realm!' I was excited and scared. Secret Realm had just opened, and I didn't know if Envoys already went through or not. Because of all this, I was hesitating to wait a little longer or not.

"What if it is a Treasure Realm?"