Schools are Opening!

I have lost the opportunity to spend my accumulated points, but what I learned was enough to make it up. What was blocking the way of cultivation in the universe we are living in is, laws that preventing a new world creation. And this universe is just an asylum. A refuge races of Ancient World had protected by sending them away. But why is creating worlds is forbidden in here? And what had happened to the Ancient World?

I couldn't wrap my head around– Thus, I stopped thinking about them. The clock was showing 24 hours in my head, and the system was offline. Not that I was concerned about it. At the moment, I had other things to do, such as attending a school opening. It was the first day, and I had to be there.

I landed a kiss on Dalia's forehead, and she got out of her confusion. Because of fragmentary memories, she went into defense mode, and her brain shut itself down. It was to protect her, because if the brain were to fill the blank parts, what it had created could lead to unknown results. Such as losing one's mind.

"I have to go now. Wanna come with me or stay here?" I asked with concern. She was still shaken because of the sudden memories.

"I will stay here, and wait for you." She said softly and hugged her knees.

"Un." I nodded to her and prepared to leave. It wasn't that far from where I was staying, so it would only take me a few minutes to reach there. The main issue was, I had nothing in my mind to say in the opening. I was planning to write some drafts last night, but Dalia and I got caught up and had no time to write. But luckily, I lived in another world and seen many opening in my days.

After I entered the venue, the people were gathering slowly. There were mostly children with their parents were standing in a giant lecture hall. Other citizens were kind enough to let the seats for related people. But there were some important people who wanted to be here for the revolutionary school system. Such as Mayor of the City, Minister of the Defense, head of the churches including some Elites they raised, and leader of the families.

Yvla's uncle was also among the crowd. He was head of the family now and wanted to be present. I looked at him carefully, by hiding my hatred towards him. Because of him, Yvla suffered and had to leave the city. And if it wasn't for me, she would be a wolf breeder.

Morgante was also sitting beside his leader. He was looking at me from time to time and was in deep thinking. He, probably, couldn't get over his defeat. But I didn't have the time for it.

My newly formed task force, Des Force, was also in the lecture hall, securing the venue and the people. Starisk was at the entrance, greeting and checking people as they entered. After half an hour, the venue was full to the brim. I stepped in front of a magnifier stone attached to a stick with three legs that can be adjusted. It was a stone that can amplify sound, and used mostly to talk to a crowd.

I tapped on the stone three times, and test the voice. People also quieted down and started to listen to me. "First of all, you are all welcome to the First School ever created to teach real knowledge, Bright Minds!" People applauded as soon as I cast my first sentence. I waited for applauds to over and continued.

"My purpose in creating this school is no secret. I feel that the school system of this world is lacking, and I want to educate the younger generation better than that. As all of you know, everything is connected to each other through knowledge. Cultivation, understanding of elements, Alchemy, Weaponsmithing, and much more subject, can be explained through science. What we do to level up is lyes in understanding our elements. And our elements can be understood by learning science.

How does fire lit, what fuels it, what can change the color of it, and why? Did you know that there is a small particle all around us that let us live is the fuel of the fire, and without it, there would be no fire?" As soon as I said this, people started to argue between themselves and ponder over what I said.

"How can that be? You are saying that we are all breathing fuel of fire without getting hurt?" Someone asked.

"Exactly." Not exactly, but since I am the authority here, let's say it like that. "Is there anyone with fire ability in the room?" I asked, and many people raised their hands. It wasn't a surprise to me, because it was one of the most common powers. I pointed to an elder man and said, "Please help me with experimentation, since you have more than one element, I want you to demonstrate."

"Un. No problem." Elder man said and walked to the stage. A rectangular and transparent, small room moved to the stage, and I pointed at the man. "After you enter, I will suck out of the particles I mentioned from the room. And when I raise my hand, you try your fire ability. You will see that you will not be able to lit it. After that, I will level down my hand use any other elements you have. Also, while you are in there, you will feel that the air is gone and suffocated, don't panic."

"Un!" The man nodded and entered the room. I, by using the method Dalia taught me, sucked the oxygen from the room, and raised my hand. The man tried many times, but sparks never turned into flames. After I leveled down my arm, he used other abilities, such as water and vapor, demonstrated his abilities one after another. After the man left the small room, he gasped for air and looked at me scared.

"How was it?" I asked with a smirk.

"I couldn't breathe. As if there was no air in there. And when I tried to use my fire abilities, I couldn't lit it no matter what, but other abilities were fine.